Published 12:00 am Friday, August 11, 2000
EXCHANGE CLUB 12:30 p.m. Monday, Piccadilly; Col. Robert Crear, commander of the Vicksburg District U.S. Corps of Engineers, will speak.
VICKSBURG CRUISERS CAR CLUB Work meeting, 6 p.m. Monday; home of Dave Derrick; 638-7717.
AARP 10 a.m. Tuesday; Neill Building, South Street; discussion will be on accepting assisted living; 638-8300.
AMERICAN LEGION POST 213 JUNIOR AUXILIARY Meeting and officer installation; 6 p.m. Monday; officers being installed should wear white.
VICKSBURG BPW MEETING Noon Monday, Piccadilly; Pat Hunt, 638-2511 or 638-6632.
PARKVIEW AUXILIARY MEETING Dining/conference area of the hospital; 8:30 a.m. Saturday, board meeting; 9:30, social; 10, general meeting; all members are urged to attend.
VICKSBURG QUILTERS 9:30 a.m. Saturday; Stitch-N-Frame Shop; bring two fat quarters of ugliest fabric for round robin.
COMMERCIAL BOWLING LEAGUE Organizational meeting; 7 p.m. Aug. 24; Red Carpet Lanes; contact Jackie Strange, 636-1262, or Red Carpet Lanes, 631-0890.
EAGLE LAKE DEVELOPMENT CLUB 7:30 tonight, Community Center; potluck dinner will be served; Eagle Lake Fire Department will be guests.
REUNITE SOCIAL/CIVIC CLUB Dance, 9 p.m. Saturday; Club 2000, formerly Bertha’s.
Public programs
LOCAL PARTNERSHIP/INDUSTRY COUNCIL Meeting, 12:30 p.m. Tuesday; Mississippi Job Corps Center; refreshments served; 601-892-3348 ext. 3019 or 601-892-3348 ext. 3013.
FEED MY SHEEP FOOD DISTRIBUTION Sign-in 9-9:30 a.m. Tuesday; Triumph Church, 4305 I-20 N. Frontage Road; no applications taken after 9:30; bring proof of income of social security cards for all family members.
MISSISSIPPI SPORTS ASSOCIATION Rosa A. Temple Buccaneer cheerleaders; registration, 6:30 p.m. Tuesday; Warren Central Junior High track/field. Open to ages 6-12; 634-4613 or 631-6870.
ROSA A. TEMPLE CLASS OF 1970 Meeting, 4 p.m. Sunday; home of Ernest Walker, 37 Pinehaven Lane (off Funches Road); all members are asked to attend.
GOOD SHEPHERD FAMILY LITERACY PROGRAM 629 Cherry St.; registration for adult basic education and GED preparation classes; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday; all classes and transportation are free.
VICKSBURG WARREN SCHOOL DISTRICT Orientation for kindergarten students; 8:30-9:30 tonight at each elementary school; register at the school choice office on Highway 27.
GROSS-WOODS FAMILY REUNION Final meeting, 5 p.m. Sunday; Stargate Records; 636-7266.
BEULAH CEMETERY MEETING 11 a.m. Saturday, Robbins Funeral Home.
OAK RIDGE OPRY 7 tonight, Oak Ridge Youth and Community Center; area gospel, blue grass and country bands will perform; $2 admission goes to the upkeep of the youth center; refreshments and baked goods for sale.
PORTER-GANT FAMILY REUNION 5:30 p.m. Sunday; home of Ida Johnson, 94 Railroad Alley; call 636-3505 or 638-3755.
LEVI’S – A Gathering Place 8-11 Saturday, 3327 Clay St. (across from Holiday Inn); those looking for a wholesome place to meet new friends, enjoy music by Bud Shiers and the Oak Ridge Band; cappuccino, regular and flavored coffee, fountain drinks and sweets; gameroom with pool table and more for children; no cover charge.
3RD ANNUAL ANTIQUE BOTTLE SHOW AND SALE 8 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, Battlefield Inn; free admission; bottles, tins, stoneware, jugs, glassware, marbles and more.
2ND ANNUAL CITY WIDE PEP RALLY 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Vicksburg Factory Outlets; bands, cheerleaders, speakers, prize giveaways, SWAT bug, Red Cross and March of Dimes bake sale; 636-7434.
EASTMAN, THOMAS, STEWART, PINKNEY Family reunion; through Sunday; 638-1285 or 638-6643 after 5:30 p.m.
“A MISSISSIPPI PORTRAIT” Farm Security Administration Photographs, 1935-1940; 1:30-3 p.m. Saturday; 1,200 historic photographs on CD-ROM; Southern Cultural Heritage Complex.
“VICKSBURG: PEOPLE, PLACES & MOMENTS” Images by photojournalists Pat Shannahan and Will Hortman; opening reception, 7-9 tonight; display, 1-4 p.m. Monday-Saturday; Southern Cultural Heritage Complex.
VICKSBURG SENIOR CENTER 1-3:45 today, Mexican dominoes; 9-11 a.m. Monday, Senior swim time and lessons; 10 a.m., NIA exercise class; 1 p.m., learn to make Taco Bell tacos; 1 a.m.-noon, violin lessons; 6-8 p.m. dance lessons.
ST. MARK FREEWILL BAPTIST CHURCH Baptism service for the McClevey and Williams sons; 8 a.m. Saturday; 2606 Hannah Ave.; the Rev. Willie James is pastor.
PLEASANTVILLE M.B. REVIVAL 7 tonight; the Rev. Glen Turner is evangelist; the Rev. Joseph Brisco is pastor.
TRIUMPH M.B. BIBLE BOWL 2 p.m. Saturday; all participants should be at the church by 1:30 to register.
NEW MOUNT PILGRIM DINNER SALE Catfish and chicken-on-a-stick dinners; 11 a.m.-until, Saturday; will deliver, 636-6386; $5.
TRIUMPH M.B. YOUTH REVIVAL 124 Pittman Road; 7 tonight; there will be a drama production and a lock-in at Kings gym, please bring sleeping bags; Linda Sweezer is associate minister, Dexter Jones is youth minister.
TRAVELERS REST SANCTUARY CHOIR Anniversary concert and musical; 6 p.m. Saturday; the Rev. Thomas Benard is pastor.
ST. MARK FREEWILL FISH FRY 2606 Hannah Ave.; 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday; call, 634-1507, 638-0202, 636-3432 or 636-7953.
MOUNT PILGRIM M.B. REVIVAL Freetown Road; 7 tonight; the Rev. Robert Miller is evangelist; the Rev. Joseph Brown is host pastor.
CLOVER VALLEY M.B. REVIVAL 7:30 tonight; the Revs. Horace McKay and Dennis Redden will be evangelists; the Rev. Johnny L. Williams is pastor.
HICKORY TREE M.B. SWAT CAMP 6:30 tonight; grades 4-7 welcome; the Rev. Elzie O’Neal is pastor; call, 636-8404, 630-9845 or 638-7231.
NEW MOUNT ELEM M.B. CHURCH REVIVAL 7 tonight; the Rev. Leonard Walker will speak; the Rev. R.G. Burns is pastor.
PROVIDENCE REVIVAL 7070 Fisher Ferry Road; 7 tonight; the Rev. Will Moffett will be speaker; the Rev. Earl Cosey is pastor.
MOUNT ZION M.B. (BALLGROUND) 7 tonight; Clifton Spicer, pastor of Pilgrim Rest and Pleasant Valley churches, will be evangelist; Charlie Blackmore Jr. is host pastor.
ST. PAUL M.B. REVIVAL 7 tonight; the Rev. A. Williams is evangelist; the Rev. Henry J. Williams is pastor.