Published 12:00 am Friday, December 8, 2000
ASSOCIATION OF GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTANTS 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Tuesday; Piccadilly; Supervisor Charles Selmon will be guest speaker.
VICKSBURG CRUISERS CAR CLUB Christmas party; 6:30 p.m. Monday at the home of Bill Collins; please bring a covered dish.
VICKSBURG WARREN CHAPTER JSU ALUMNI Meet 5:30 p.m. Monday, Vicksburg District executive conference room; plans for the annual Christmas party will be finalized; all members are asked to be present.
STRINGER LODGE NO. 1 Meeting 7:30 p.m. Monday; election of officers; Masonic attire; all Prince Hall Masons are welcome.
VFW POST 10734 AND LADIES AUXILIARY Eat at 6 p.m.; Voice of Democracy speeches given at 7.
NEGRO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL WOMEN Vicksburg Chapter No. 63; youth induction ceremony; 3 p.m. Sunday; Greater Oak Grove Church, 3802 Patricia St.; Yolanda Brown, former member, will be guest speaker.
EXCHANGE 12:30 p.m. Monday, Piccadilly; John Paris of May & Company will be the guest speaker.
VICKSBURG GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 10 a.m. Monday; Warren County Vicksburg Public Library; Ann Middleton and Ann Peppers, with the Oauchita Parish Library, speakers.
AMERICAN LEGION POST 213 AUXILIARY Regular meeting, 7:30 p.m. Monday.
VICKSBURG QUILTERS 9:30 a.m. Saturday, Stitch-N-Frame shop; bring sewing items to do an applique piece by Ruth Mullins, examples of Hawaiian quilting and a gift of $5-$7 to exchange.
SHRINERS BALL 9 p.m. until, Saturday; Vicksburg City Auditorium, 901 Monroe St.; presented by Mecca Temple No. 1 and Rose of Sharon Court No. 2; donation, $10.
VICKSBURG DANCE CLUB Christmas dance, 8 p.m.-midnight Saturday; Knights of Columbus Hall, $25 per couple; Dance Club members, K.C. members and their guests are welcome; Joe Loviza, 636-1694.
RETIREMENT PARTY FOR JEAN ANDERSON 3-5 p.m. Tuesday; Warren County Tax Collector’s Office.
“A BEARY CHRISTMAS CARNIVAL” 3 -6 p.m. Saturday; Bowmar Magnet School.
FEED MY SHEEP FREE FOOD DISTRIBUTION Sign in 9-9:30 a.m. Tuesday; no applications taken after 9:30; bring proof of income and Social Security numbers for all family members; Triumph Church, 4305 I-20 N. Frontage Road.
“COOKING WITH CHEF NEAL” Noon Tuesday, Warren County Extension Service conference room, 1100C Grove St.; lunch will be served, reservations for lunch due Monday; presented by Chef Neal of Louisiana Tech College; 636-5391.
VICKSBURG GIRLS SOFTBALL ASSOCIATION Early registration, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday; Pemberton Square Mall; ages 4-8, $20; ages 9-18, $30; early registration fee through Dec. 31; volunteers needed to help with committee assignments, contact Rhea Fuller, 638-8198, Johnny Means, 630-2975, Betty Hearn, 636-5205, or Tony Franco, 638-8537.
OAK RIDGE OPRY 7 Friday night; Oak Ridge Youth and Community Center; music by “Southwinds;” $2 admission.
MAGNOLIA BALLROOM DANCERS ASSOCIATION 7-11 p.m. Saturday; Ethnic Heritage Building, Jim Buck Ross Agricultural and Forestry Museum, Lakeland Drive, Jackson; an Argentine Tango exhibition will be performed by Bobbie Smith and Tony Dees of Classic Ballroom in Pearl and Capital City Ballroom in Baton Rouge; $15, includes set-ups; 636-7000 or 924-5690.
VICKSBURG SENIOR CENTER Friday: 1 p.m., “Dirty Santa Claus” bring wrapped $2 gift; Monday: 9-10 a.m., beginner piano; 10, NIA exercise; 11-noon, violin lessons; 6-8 p.m., couple and line dance class; Tuesday: 10-11 a.m., beginner computer; 11-noon, intermediate computer; 1-2 p.m., learn to play the dulcimer; 1, Christmas bonus bingo; 3-4, figure drawing art class; Wednesday: 10-11 a.m., NIA exercise; 11-noon, advanced computer class; 1:30-3:30, beginner acrylic art; 2, investing for and during your retirement with Easy Biedenharn.
NEW ROCK OF AGES COMBINED CHOIR REHEARSAL Adult and youth; 4 p.m. Saturday.
BELMONT M.B. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM PRACTICE 3 p.m. Saturday; all children interested in participating are welcome; call 661-6028 or 636-0873.
NEW MOUNT ELEM First annual musical extravaganza; 5:30 p.m. Saturday; 3014 Wisconsin Ave.
NEW MOUNT PILGRIM M.B. Choir candlelight services; 6 p.m. Saturday; 501 N. Poplar St.
LIVING WATER CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP Chili supper and auction, 6:30 p.m. Saturday; proceeds go toward building fund.
ERIC SMITH BENEFIT 11 a.m.-6 p.m. Saturday; Bovina Cafe; chicken & dumplings, red beans & rice dinners, $10; hamburgers and french fries, $5; includes drink; dine in or carry out; raffles, bake sale and more.