Published 12:00 am Tuesday, December 12, 2000
SUNSHINE LODGE NO. 99 Final meeting, 7 Tuesday night, 719 Grove St.; all members bring a covered dish; all taxes must be paid.
AMERICAN LEGION TYNER FORD POST 213 8 Tuesday night, 1618 Main St., regular meeting.
UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY 11:30 a.m. Thursday, Piccadilly; program on “Christmas in Fredericksburg” by Dr. Emma Keulegan.
KIWANIS Christmas party, 6:30 Tuesday night, Wilsonwood Lodge.
LIONS Noon Wednesday, Maxwell’s; Sheriff Martin Pace will be guest speaker; all members are reminded to bring canned goods for the Salvation Army.
VFW POST 10734 AND LADIES AUXILIARY Eat at 6 Tuesday night; Voice of Democracy speeches will be given at 7.
VICKSBURG HOMECOMING BENEVOLENT 7 p.m. Wednesday at the president’s home on Main Street, weather permitting; food will be catered.
GINGERBREAD HOUSE WORKSHOP 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, Southern Cultural Heritage Complex; $18, for Southern Cultural Heritage Complex member; $20, for non-members; presented by Heather Burns; reservations required, 631-2997
CHRISTMAS ON CRAWFORD STREET Noon-7 p.m. Saturday; holiday open house at Southern Cultural Heritage Complex, The Balfour House, The Baldwin House Restaurant, Crawford Street Studios and Pemberton’s Headquarters; activities include St. Joseph Orchestra performance, Children’s holiday activities, traditional art demonstrations and sale, caroling, exhibits, holiday workshop for children and adults; $5, adults; $1, students; free for children 6 years and under; 631-2997.
VICKSBURG HIGH SCHOOL MADRIGAL FEAST 7 p.m. Friday, St. Michael Catholic Church; tickets available from Madrigal singers or by calling 631-2898, 638-1815 or 634-0776.
PTSA MEETING AT WARREN CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL 6 p.m. Thursday, school library; 638-3372.
AMERICAN RED CROSS Adult CPR and first-aid classes, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Thursday; infant, children and adult CPR, 5:30 p.m.; for reservations, call 636-9182.
PUBLIC LIBRARY SCHEDULE Wednesday, 10:30 a.m., “Sheep in a Shop” and other stories followed by an art activity.
RETIREMENT PARTY FOR JEAN ANDERSON 3-5 p.m. Tuesday, Warren County Tax Collector’s Office.
VICKSBURG SENIOR CENTER Tuesday: 1-2 p.m., learn to play the dulcimer; 1, Christmas bonus bingo; 3-4, figure drawing art class; Wednesday: 10-11 a.m., NIA exercise; 11-noon, advanced computer class; 1:30-3:30, beginner acrylic art; 2, investing for and during your retirement with Easy Biedenharn; Thursday: 8:30 a.m., NIA exercise; 9:30, beginner bridge; 10-11, beginner computer; 11-noon, intermediate computer; 12:30 p.m., Christmas carols with W.C. Intermediate School Life Skills Class; 1 p.m., SuperValu/Sack & Save bingo.
CEDAR GROVE M.B. 5 p.m. Saturday; youth department will celebrate the birth of Jesus in a play; 3300 Grange Hall Road; 636-5902 or 661-0777.
GROVE STREET M.B. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM 7 p.m. Saturday; 707 Pierce St.; the Rev. Casey Fisher is pastor.
BENEFIT FOR CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION CENTER 7 p.m. Saturday; Bleachers, 614 1/2 Clay St.; free food and entertainment; $5 donation or a $5 toy will be taken; 634-0018.