Question 15: Looking back four years from now, what do you hope to be able to say that you and your fellow city board members accomplished?
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, April 25, 2001
Dillamar: Elected officials should set goals, make plans to achieve those goals, research the issues, perform evaluations and then put them into action.
I have a five-point plan to accomplish if elected by the people. They include: Improving recreation for youth and senior citizens programs. I will place emphasis on enhancing growth/development, education, enriching cultural heritage and family-oriented events and attractions. Promoting tourism. Tourism adds to the stability and economy growth of this area. This can be done through beautification of Vicksburg, better roads, improving housing and enforcing ordinances. Decreasing crime and improving safety. This will be done by enforcing curfews, and improving the police department. We need to assess the existing systems, identify defaults, call for evaluations of service/promotions and implement a plan to correct the problems identified. Promotions should be based on merits and job performances. Improving salaries for city employees. Promoting growth and development of Vicksburg’s greatest resource its citizens. If in four years, I have accomplished my goals and others proposed by fellow city board members, I hope the people will say that we were an administration of action, exhibiting a spirit of unity and that they are proud to be a part of Vicksburg’s growth.
Pratt: We brought a divided community together by creating a plan for Vicksburg. This plan united all the citizens to work tirelessly to improve our city and the quality of life for everyone. The town is now beautiful and is a living example of how citizens and public officials pulling together can make progress happen. Vicksburg is now thriving economically and companies are realizing our potential. This administration cared about its workforce and its citizens and is proud of their accomplishments. Because without the efforts of each other, making Vicksburg No. 1 would not have been possible.
Young: A cleaner, safer, more prosperous Vicksburg.