Published 12:00 am Friday, November 30, 2001
NEGRO BPW Youth club induction ceremony; 4 p.m. Sunday, Mount Calvary M.B. Church, 1350 East Ave.; Carolyn H. Bradford will be the guest speaker.
OASIS FELLOWSHIP 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Monday, Living Water Christian Fellowship, 2075 Culkin Road; the Rev. Harold Schmidt will speak during both services; bring a covered dish and beverage for Christmas luncheon.
JSU ALUMNI 4 p.m. Sunday, Commodore Apartments clubhouse, Cain Ridge Road; all members are urged to attend.
SALVATION ARMY WOMEN’S AUXILIARY Luncheon, noon Monday, Salvation Army headquarters, Mission 66.
VICKSBURG ART ASSOCIATION Christmas party is having its annual auction for the building fund of the Constitution Firehouse Gallery, 7-9 p.m. Monday-Tuesday; contributions will be accepted at the Gallery; Lesley Silver, 638-9221 or 638-3967.
EXCHANGE 12:30 p.m. Monday, Piccadilly; Brad Biggar, International Paper mill manager, will speak.
CAMILLE ART AND LITERARY Will not meet Saturday; next meeting will be Jan. 12.
VICKSBURG CRUISERS OLD CAR CRUISE Cruise to Fox’s Pizza in Tallulah; meet at 6:15 tonight at Fast Lane on Pemberton Boulevard; 638-7717.
WOODMEN OF THE WORLD 6 tonight; Fisher Ferry Volunteer Fire Department; followed by Christmas Parade float work and pizza party for workers; banquet, 7 p.m. Saturday; RSVP, 638-2495, for location.
Public programs
OAK RIDGE OPRY Canceled for tonight.
LEVI’S “A Gathering Place” Open 7-11 tonight for teens; Buck Wild’s Christmas party will be at Levi’s Saturday; cappuccino, coffee, fountain drinks, sweets, gameroom with pool table and more; no cover charge.
CHRISTMAS CANDLELIGHT TOUR Historic homes decorated with 19th century Christmas decorations and illuminated with candles; Annabelle, Cedar Grove and The Corners tours will be 4:30-6:30 p.m. Saturday, Anchuca, Baer House and Harding Johnston House tours will be 6-8; tickets are $5 for adults, and $3 for children under 12; 636-7421.
VICKSBURG THEATRE GUILD Auditions for “The Robber Bridegroom,” 3-6 p.m. Saturday and 4-6 p.m. Sunday; cast of 20 adults, high school age and older, and six children ages 7 and older; most roles require singing and dancing; musicians needed for bluegrass musical score; show dates will be Feb. 15-17 and 22-23.
MISSISSIPPI CHRISTIAN FAMILY SERVICES Annual bazaar, 8-11:30 a.m. Saturday, 806 Pine St., Rolling Fork; sale will include Christmas decorations, clothing, fruit, poinsettias and more.
VICKSBURG CHAMBER CHOIR Performance of a concert of Johannes Brahms’ “A German Requiem,” 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, 900 South St.; Dr. Rolland Shaw will be the guest conductor; will feature a soprano and baritone solos by Clarissa Davis and Phillip Hill; Dorothy Brasfield and Len Bobo are pianists.
SENIOR CENTER Monday: 10 a.m., NIA exercise; 1 p.m., Christmas cards; 1-3, acrylic art; 2-4, pen and ink; 6-8, social and line dance class; Tuesday: 10:30 a.m., beginner computer; 11:30, intermediate computer; noon, water color art; 1, acrylic art; 1, learn to play the dulcimer; 1, open play dominoes and Canasta; Wednesday: 10 a.m., NIA exercise; 1:30, beginner acrylic art class.
FIRST UNITED PENTECOSTAL 10th pastoral anniversary services; 7 nightly through Sunday; 6541 Paxton Road; the Rev. Wayne McClain of Houston, Texas, will be the guest speaker; ministers and wives breakfast will be at 9 a.m. Saturday; the Rev. Mark Herrington will speak at 7 p.m. Saturday.
BENEFIT/BAKE SALE FOR CHUCK ROSS Fish dinners will be served 6-8 tonight, Oak Ridge Youth and Community Center; $5 for adults and $3.50 for children; Bud and Stanley and Ole Habits will perform from 7 until 10.