City hires architect for City Park, Farmers’ Market pavilions
Published 12:39 am Saturday, May 23, 2015
A Jackson architecture firm has been hired to prepare plans, specifications and contract documents to build a new city pavilion at City Park on Army Navy Drive and a farmers’ market pavilion on city property at the corner of Washington and Jackson streets.
The Board of Mayor and Aldermen Monday approved the contracts with M3A Architecture totaling $90,000–$35,000 for the city pavilion and $55,000 for the one at the farmers’ market site.
The board has allocated $350,000 to build a new pavilion at City Park, and $550,000 to build a pavilion at the site of the Vicksburg Farmers’ Market at Washington and Jackson streets in its capital improvements budget. Mayor George Flaggs Jr. has said the farmers’ market pavilion will be used for other events in between the fall and summer market seasons.
He said South Ward Alderman Willis Thompson had been looking at some different designs to make the farmers’ market more family-friendly.
“I think that’s going to make a big difference downtown,” Flaggs said.
Replacing the 50-year-old pavilion at City Park was discussed at a board work session in August 2014 when North Ward Alderman Michael Mayfield recommended building a new structure, adding he believed it could be done for less than the estimated $350,000 to replace the building’s roof.
He also proposed enlarging the pavilion and adding restrooms near the facility with a covered walkway leading to the restrooms.
“We found out it was more feasible to build a new pavilion and look at a different size,” Thompson said.
“The next pavilion is going to be something more presentable … it’s going to bring it up to the 21st Century,” Flaggs said.
“We’ve had some issues. The roof was leaking and it needs new lighting,” Thompson said. “This will give us a chance to make a big improvement in a much used facility.
Located at the north end of the park by Lee Street, the pavilion is a popular site for parties, barbecues, family reunions, church functions and other group activities.