A season for gratitude, thanks

Published 12:00 am Sunday, November 22, 2015


It’s something that doesn’t come easily to me. By nature, I’m a glass is half empty girl. Not sure what made me this way, but I’m a lifer, and it’s a burden to bear.

I analyze everything, never taking a comment at face value, mistrusting everyone for a long time, questioning everything. If you win my trust, you’ve done something.

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While those qualities probably have helped me along in my career, take my word for it; it’s no way to live — never trusting the good things that happen in your life, always waiting for the other shoe to fall.

That said, I’ve been focusing recently on recognizing all those good things — and there are many of them — and being grateful for them.

This is the season of Thanksgiving, and in that spirit, here’s a partial list of things for which I’m grateful.

•  At the top of the list this year is Vicksburg, Mississippi. I’m so grateful for you. You have been a delight in my life, a pleasant surprise. Sometimes, when people live in a location for a long time, they lose sight of all its positive qualities. If you’re one of those people, please know Vicksburg has many. I’ve worked here only three months, but I’ve met so many wonderful, genuine people and made a number of friends, all of whom I think will be in my life for a long time, no matter what comes. So many positive things are happening here, and I’m happy I’m going to be a part of those.

•  I’m so very grateful for Tim Reeves, publisher of The Vicksburg Post. I’ve known Tim through working with the same company for many years, but working with him has reinforced what an amazing newspaperman he is. Tim is one of those people who never has a bad day, and no matter what you feel like when you arrive at work, once you interact with him, your day gets better. We hear folks all the time talk about how they “love people,” and I’m always skeptical of the sincerity of that statement (see, I’m doing it now!), but Tim is truly a people person. He loves the interaction and is the best “idea” person I’ve ever been around. He is perfectly suited for his job, and I’m looking forward to a long collaboration — and a lot of fun.

• The staff at The Vicksburg Post. Wow, what amazing people. Some of the most talented people with whom I’ve ever worked, are at work on this staff. And many of them are among those people I talked about earlier, who I know will be in my life for many years to come. Terri, Austin, Alana, John, Justin, Alex, Ernest, David, Melissa, Jimmy, Angela, Sheila, Linda, Alyssa, Stacy, Shandale, Shaneka…I could go on, but simply too many people to mention. Thank you all.

• I’m grateful for my car, and hope actually typing that doesn’t jinx me (I’m doing it again.). It was 10 years old in July, and before I started working at The Post, had fewer than 85,000 miles. I’ve protected it, knowing it has to last me. I’ve put many more miles on it since I started my “commute,” which I hope comes to an end shortly after the first of the year, when I finally relocate to Vicksburg. But that car has been wonderful, getting me back and forth from my home without a single issue every workday. It’s a trooper, and I’m going to drive it until its wheels fall off.

• Of course, like you, I’m grateful for my family and lifelong friends, who enrich my life tremendously. I’m so very grateful for my pets, who are the most wonderful roommates ever.

• I’m grateful to Robert Galbraith, the pen name of J.K. Rowling, who is at working writing the most interesting murder mysteries ever.

And I’m most grateful for you, The Vicksburg Post readers. We make lots of mistakes, but we’re working on that. Nonetheless, you stick patiently by our side, and we’re thankful for you.



Jan Griffey is editor of The Vicksburg Post.