Game Plan
Published 12:12 am Sunday, February 28, 2016
Lifeguarding class
An American Red Cross lifeguard certification class will be held March 28 through April 8 at the Purks YMCA off of Clay Street. The 30-hour class will meet from 6 to 8:45 p.m., Monday through Friday, for two weeks. Attendance at each session is mandatory for certification.
Students participating in the class must be at least 15 years old or turning that age no later than April 8, 2016. Candidates must also complete a strength and endurance test that includes a 300-yard swim using the front crawl and breast strokes, and timed strength skills.
The course will be taught by veteran Red Cross instructors Bob and Susan Athow, and Sylvia Gurtowski. For more information, call the YMCA at 601-638-1071 or City Pool at 601-634-4516.
Run Thru History
Registration is now open for the 37th annual Run Thru History, a 10K run and 5K race walk in the Vicksburg National Military Park. Vicksburg’s biggest running event will take place March 5 at 8 a.m., with a 1-mile children’s fun run following the other races.
The registration fee is $25 for the run and walk. The Blue/Gray 1-Miler is free. Trophies will be presented to age group and overall winners, and the first 800 participants are guaranteed to receive a race T-shirt.
For more information or to register, visit, call the Vicksburg YMCA at 601-638-1071, or stop by the Purks YMCA for an entry form.
Mandatory umpire meeting
A mandatory meeting for all prospective umpires in the City of Vicksburg’s upcoming softball season will be held March 2 at the Parks and Recreation office on Army Navy Drive. The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m., and it’s a required registration meeting for all returning and new umpires working ASA softball games. For more information, call 601-634-4514.
Zeke West Bass Tourney
The 8th Annual Zeke West Memorial Scholarship Team Bass Tournament is scheduled for March 5 at Lake Bruin State Park in St. Joseph, La.
The fishing tournament, hosted by the Tallulah Bass Club, begins at 6:30 a.m. and continues until 3 p.m. The registration fee is $100 per boat, with an optional big bass entry fee of $10 per person. First place is guaranteed a $1,000 prize, and additional prizes will be paid for second through fifth places based on the number of entries.
Fishermen are required to have live wells and running lights inspected.
Checks can be made payable to Zeke West Memorial Fund and mailed to:
• Becky West, 2938 Tiffentown Rd., Vicksburg, MS 39183
• Bill DeWeese, 1206 Carrol St., Tallulah, LA 71232
For more information, contact Becky West at 601-529-1671 (; Gary West at 601-529-2775 (; or Bill DeWeese at 318-341-3161 (
The Vicksburg Post welcomes your items for the Game Plan. Submit items by email for publication Wednesday or Sunday. Be sure to include your name and phone number.