DAY OF CARING: Community preparing to give back
Published 9:39 am Monday, April 18, 2016
- VOLUNTEERISM: Valerie Brown worked last year to help clean up Good Shepherd Community Center during the United Way of West Central Mississippi’s annual Day of Caring.
One day of giving back will make a world of difference to many local nonprofit organizations.
The United Way of West Central Mississippi is hosting the 20th annual Day of Caring Thursday, April 21.
“This is kind of our showcase for volunteerism and to showcase our agencies and all of the good work they do in the community they serve,” Heidi Burrell, director of resource development at the United Way of West Central Mississippi, said.
More than 200 volunteers have signed up to work at over 20 project sites that compromise the United Way’s partner agencies and other local non-profit organizations including the Vicksburg Community Garden, Grace Christian Center and King’s Head Start Center.
“We have such a great variety of projects with our partner agencies and other local non-profits that aren’t necessarily our partners but we all work together,” Burrell said.
Volunteers will sort through donations, deliver recycling, paint, clean, landscape and decorate at several locations for the entire day. One team is sending an information technology person to help update some of the agencies’ printers, computers and databases. Some will organize thrift stores while other will deliver meals and play bingo with senior citizens.
“Several of the volunteer teams always want to do outside work because they work in a bank or an office environment and this is their chance to get out through the week and get their hands dirty,” Burrell said.
Volunteers have had some say in what they would like to do during their day of volunteering and make requests based on their skill set or just where they would like to spend their time.
“We have a great time because we meet and they review the projects and they all match up in what skills they have and what they’re willing to do,” Burrell said.
At the end of the day, Burell said the volunteers are exhausted, but people create bonds with each other over a real since of accomplishment in getting a job done that will help some many others.
“This is my favorite part of my job because I get to connect the volunteers with the agencies that are so near and dear to me, that I love, and get to see that since of accomplishment,” Burrell said.
The volunteer day kicks off with a pep rally at 8:30 a.m. at Vicksburg Mall where both Mayor George Flaggs Jr. and United Way executive director Michele Connelly will speak, and the 2016 vice chair and campaign chair will be introduced.
“Our community will step up to the plate always,” Burrell said. “They just need to know what’s out there and what’s available.”
She said there are still projects that need volunteers. To register for the Day of Caring, contact the United Way of West Central Mississippi at or 601-636-1733.
“I can always use volunteers,” Burrell said. “I will never turn a volunteer away.”