Hats off to Episcopal’s Curry for bringing his message of inclusion to Vicksburg
Published 10:01 am Tuesday, June 14, 2016
unday was a special day for all in Vicksburg, as the Episcopal congregation here welcomed its leader in the U.S., the most Rev. Michael Curry.
Hundreds of all denominations gathered in the Vicksburg Convention Center Sunday morning to hear the Episcopal Church’s presiding bishop.
Curry, known as a dynamic speaker, did not disappoint. His message was one of inclusion.
Based on scripture from Galatians in the Holy Bible, Curry said all men are one in Christ.
“There is no longer slave or free. There is no longer male or female. There is no longer Jew or Gentile. There is no longer black or white. There is no longer Anglo or Latino. There is no longer gay or straight. There is no longer Democrat or Republican. We are all one in Christ Jesus,” Curry said.
Part of Curry’s mission Sunday was to remember the martyrs of Philadelphia — James Earl Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner.
The three were brutally murdered in 1964 working to further civil rights of all Americans.
Curry called for an Episcopal revival. The way to revival, he said, is to remember humans are all part of the same family.
“I truly believe God sent Jesus to Earth to show us how to stop being simply the human race, and instead how to become the human family of God,” Curry said. “Treat every woman like she’s your mother because she is your mother. Treat every man like he’s your father because he is your father. Treat them as members of your own family. Show them the love, dignity and honor, the respect you would want for your own kinfolk. Then we can build a society where every man, woman and child, no matter who they are, is treated the same respect, the same equal rights, the same dignity.”
Our nation is more divided than perhaps anytime before.
A revival like Curry advocates is something we should all be able to support. Our nation needs to remember we are all in this together, and that we are stronger together.