Closure for family: Body of Michael Collins recovered
Published 5:49 pm Friday, September 2, 2016
- Michael Collins stands with one of his most prized possessions, his truck. The body of Collins, who has been missing for 11 days after the dump truck he was driving went into the Mississippi River, has been recovered.

Michael Collins stands with one of his most prized possessions, his truck. The body of Collins, who has been missing for 11 days after the dump truck he was driving went into the Mississippi River, has been recovered.
Warren County Sheriff Martin Pace has confirmed that the body of Michael Collins has been recovered.
Collins, an employee of Riverside Construction, was driving the dump truck that went into the Mississippi River at Florida Marine Transport on Aug. 23. The dump truck was found later that night, but Collins has been missing.
“At about 3 p.m., we were working near river drift debris near the Baxter Wilson power plant,” Pace said. “A crew from Riverside Construction, using a crane that was mounted on a barge, was removing some debris when the body surfaced.”
Warren County Undersheriff Jeff Riggs, Sheriff’s Investigator Sam Winchester and Pace were on the scene monitoring the search when Collins’ body was found.
“The body had apparently been entrapped under the debris under the water,” Pace said.
With the help of workers for Riverside Construction, sheriff’s deputies and Pace actually entered the water and were able to secure the body with a rope and attached flotation devices to it.
Pace said the body was turned over to Kelda Bailess, deputy coroner, and the coroner’s office and has been transported to the Mississippi State Crime Lab for autopsy.
“We understand the importance of finding the body. It’s a satisfaction knowing we are able to bring closure to the family, even though this has been incredibly tragic,” Pace said.
Stan Collins, Michael’s father who has been out on the river every day since his son’s truck went into the water, said Friday night that he feels numb.
“Everything has been a blur and a nightmare, but to tell you the truth, I feel calm and at peace right now,” Collins said. “My sweet boy loved his mother more than anything on this earth, and I know he is in heaven in her arms right now.”
Collins thanked Warren County Sheriff Martin Pace and his deputies and staff and Vicksburg Police Chief Walter Armstrong and his officers.
“Chief Armstrong was a big inspiration to me, was on the phone with me four or five times a day. (City Alderman) Michael Mayfield just left my house,” Collins said.
He said Pace went above and beyond.
“Martin Pace literally risked life and limb and was out here every day. You should see his face. He’s so sunburned. It’s red as a beet. And do you know that scene from ‘Jaws,’ where they say we need a bigger boat? Martin Pace needs a bigger boat,” Collins said.
“I told you all last week, that river had something that was mine and I was going to get it back, and we got it back,” he said.
The investigation into the how and why the truck ran into the Mississippi River is being handled by the Vicksburg Police Department and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
The Warren County Sheriff’s Office led the rescue and recover efforts on the river with its fleet of patrol boats.