Water access sites updated by officials
Published 10:28 am Friday, May 19, 2017
The city of Vicksburg has three sites where residents can get water.
Besides the initial distribution site at the Vicksburg Mall, sites have been established at the Salvation Army, Entergy offices on U.S. 61 North and the Kings Community Center at the intersection of North Washington Street and R.L. Chase Circle. A delivery of water was also expected at Gospel Temple M.B. Church, 1612 Main St.
Vicksburg Police Chief Walter Armstrong said police and sheriff’s deputies will deliver water to elderly and homebound residents who are unable to go to the distribution sites. People who need water delivered can call the police department at 601-636-2511, or the police watch commander at 601-831-8124, or the Warren County Sheriff’s Office at 601-636-1761.
Besides stores and the distribution site, residents can also get water at Sherman Avenue Elementary School on Sherwood Avenue. Julie Eubanks, Hilldale Water District office manager, said people can get water from a spigot by going to the water district office at 4326 Lee Road where they will see two cones and got down a gravel road to the source.