City meeting to focus on crime and cameras
Published 7:00 pm Wednesday, June 20, 2018
Vicksburg residents will have the chance to comment and ask questions about the installation of video cameras in the city and other crime-related issues during the opening minutes of the Crime Prevention Task Force camera/surveillance/data/statistics subcommittee meeting Thursday.
The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. at the City Hall Annex, 1415 Walnut St. The meeting is the fourth and final subcommittee public meeting since the task force was formed in May. The public will have the opportunity to make comments and ask questions in the first 15 minutes of the meeting.
“We have had some very good input from the public at all the meetings,” Mayor George Flaggs Jr. said. He said the Thursday meeting will include crime statistics.
The Board of Mayor and Aldermen in 2017 approved installing video cameras in different areas of the city as a tool to fight crime. According to the city’s information technology department, there are about 100 cameras scattered throughout the city and in the two public parking garages.
City officials said video from one of the parking garages led to the arrest of two people for auto burglary.