Why do a traffic study now?
Published 6:18 pm Saturday, July 28, 2018
To the editor:
I’m curious about why a study was done to determine if a traffic light is needed where the road to the future Sports Complex meets Fisher Ferry Road.
The Sports Complex is months away from completion. Why perform a study before a traffic situation exists?
Later on, when the complex is finished and tournaments are held, traffic going north toward most restaurants and hotels could be heavy causing problems for those of us who live on or just off Halls Ferry Road.
Question: Will another traffic study be conducted when the sports complex has been completed and activities are in full swing?
The article in the July 25 edition of The Vicksburg Post stated “Neel-Schaffer volunteered to perform the study.” I assume that means there was no cost! If so, will a second study be no-cost?
Just wonderin’!
Rae M. Eikert