Take these steps to have a safe school year
Published 6:11 pm Saturday, August 25, 2018
To help ensure the safety of our children, I would like to share a few safety tips on school safety and bullying.
Students who walk to school should:
• Walk on the sidewalk; if there is no sidewalk then walk on the side of the road and facing the oncoming traffic.
• Before crossing the street, stop and look both ways to see if cars are coming.
• Never dart out in front of a moving vehicle.
• Always walk with a friend.
• Do not accept rides from strangers
Students who ride a bus to school should:
• If seat belts are available, buckle up.
• Wait for the bus to stop completely before standing.
• Arrive at the bus stop early so you won’t have to run across the road or rush to catch the bus.
• Wait until the school bus has stopped all traffic before stepping out into the roadway.
• Never run after the school bus if it has already left the bus stop.
Drivers need to share the road:
• Do not block crosswalks.
• Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks, and take extra care in school zones.
• Never pass a vehicle stopped for pedestrians.
• Never pass a bus loading or unloading children.
• Pay attention to the 15-mph speed limit in school zones. If you’re caught speeding in a school zone, you could be ticketed.
Bullying is the attempt to control another person using verbal or physical abuse. Bullying can include actions such as teasing, threats of harm, exclusion, hitting, or pushing. A bully uses strength or control to intimidate individuals who appear weak. Bullying is a serious problem that affects many students throughout the school year. It can cause kids to feel hurt, scared, sick, alone, embarrassed, and sad. If any child is being bullied, he/she should tell a friend, School Resource Officer, teacher, principal, parent, or police officer. No one deserves to be bullied. If I or anyone in my staff can be of any assistance, please contact my office at 601-636-2511.
Let’s all have a safe and enjoyable school year.
Milton Moore is Vicksburg chief of police. You can contact him at 601-636-2511.