Residents urged to participate in USACE scoping meeting
Published 7:53 pm Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Warren County residents will have an opportunity to comment on projects planned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Vicksburg District at a scoping meeting Sept. 11 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Vicksburg Convention Center.
“We’re very interested in public, as well as tribal and state and federal agency input as well,” said Col. Michael Derosier, Vicksburg District commander.
The meetings are part of the requirements to prepare a supplemental environmental impact statement that addresses the impacts associated with the construction of remaining authorized work on the Mississippi River mainline levees of the Mississippi River and Tributaries project.
“We look at those potential impacts and we work with our partners and other stakeholders in the process to figure out how to avoid those impacts, and where we cannot avoid them, to be able to mitigate those impacts to the greatest extent possible. It’s all part of meeting the National Environmental Protection Act,” DeRosier said.
The Corps issued a notice of intent to prepare a supplement to its Final Environmental Impact Statement on proposed projects involving mainline levees and channel improvements June 13 in the Federal Register.
This work is one of the major features of the MR&T Project used to provide comprehensive flood damage control and risk reduction beginning at Cape Girardeau, Missouri, to the Head of Passes, Louisiana.
According to Vicksburg District officials, the Corps presently has 2.7-mile levee enlargement project under active construction about 12 miles north of Eagle Lake. There is also a paving project adjacent to the levee under construction to replace the asphalt surface that was removed to permit the enlargement of the levee section.
The paving project is expected to be completed in September.