RC Early College students aim to protect K-9s
Published 6:52 pm Tuesday, April 2, 2019
- PROTECTING MAN’S BEST FRIENDS: River City Early College ninth grade students get to know one of the K-9 dogs that assist the Vicksburg and Warren County law enforcement officers. From left are Samantha Parker, Kary Creel, Kristopher Cook and Mary Claire Lovins, who make up the ninth grade student council at the school, are holding a raffle in an effort to raise funds for bulletproof vests that will be used for the dogs.
Law enforcement officers wear bulletproof vests to protect themselves from life-threatening wounds.
Made of material that is specially crafted to resist ballistic attacks at different levels, wearing a vest can be the difference between life and death.
While those working in the Vicksburg and Warren County community are issued this protective gear, the K-9’s who serve alongside these men and women go unprotected.
Therefore in an effort to protect these dogs, the 9th grade student council at River City Early College, is holding a raffle with proceeds to go toward ballistic vests for the four dogs serving the community.
“Each vest costs approximately $900,” River City Early College teacher and sponsor for the 9th grade student council Kayla Sorrels said, and the goal is to raise $4,000 to make sure all added costs such as tax and shipping and handling are covered.
Sorrels said the notion for the fund raiser was the students’ idea.
“They came to me, and we got it approved by the principal and then they pretty much did everything on their own to get it started,” she said, which included bringing in the K-9 officers.
“The students presented a power-point program to them (K-9 officers) about their ideas and what they wanted to do,” she said, adding, “And the officers loved it.”
During this process, Sorrels said, the students were also able to meet all but one of the dogs that they are raising money for.
Some may think one vest could serve all four dogs, Sorrels said, but because the vests are sized, it would not have properly fit all the dogs.
In addition to presenting their idea to the police and sheriff departments’ K-9 units, Sorrels said, the students were also responsible for acquiring all the items that will be raffled off.
Tickets for the raffle, she said, are $5 and more than 20 items are up for grabs including a six-month gym membership to Fitness Works, a three-month membership with joining fee waved at the YMCA and car detailing by D&T Mobile. There is also a hair product basket/ boutique shirt/ dermaplane facial from Loft Salon and Spa and gift cards from area businesses.
All students from River City Early College are selling tickets, Sorrels said, while the 9th grade student council is continuing to oversee their project.
Drawings for the raffle items will begin on April 23 and run through April 26.
“We will video live from Facebook so people can watch the drawings,” Sorrels said.
Winners will also be notified if they are the recipients of a prize.
“Currently, we are only about $600 away from being able to buy all four vests,” Sorrels said.
And in the case ticket sells exceed the $4,000, she said, overage would go to the school, since it is a small school without a lot of PTO funding.
For more information or to purchase a ticket, call 601-629-6812. Tickets are also available at the school, which is located at 755 Mississippi 27.