Game Plan
Published 8:00 am Sunday, August 25, 2019
- COIN TOSS: St. Aloysius players Coleman Verhine (50), Phillip Upshaw (7) and Michael Robinson (6) greet Hartfield Academy’s Chance Dillard (75) and Austin Willis (7) for the coin toss before Friday’s football season opener at Balzli Field. (Walter Frazier/For The Vicksburg Post)
VSA ‘Try It week’
The Vicksburg Swim Association will hold its annual “Try It Week,” when children ages 6-17 are welcome to practice with the team for free, from Aug. 26-30 at City Pool.
The Vicksburg Swim Association is a competitive club team. Practices are from 4 to 5 p.m. each day. Swimmers must be between the ages of 6 and 17, be able to swim at least 25 yards, and have their own swimsuit, towel and goggles. Those wishing to join the team will be placed in skill-appropriate pods the following week.
For more information, contact coach Frank Rapin at, Sara Harris at, or visit
Mad Scientist 5K
The Mad Scientist 5K run and race walk is scheduled for Saturday, Sept. 7, at the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research and Development Center, at 3909 Halls Ferry Road in Vicksburg.
The race begins at 8 a.m., and race day registration at 7 a.m. A one-mile fun run will follow the race, which is a Mississippi Track Club Grand Prix event.
The entry fee is $20 for the 5K, or $10 for the fun run. Registration forms are available at ERDC headquarters on Halls Ferry Road, and online registration is at
For more information, call 601-634-3706 or email
Fall baseball registration
Registration for the City of Vicksburg’s youth fall baseball league will continue until Sept. 13. The league is for children ages 5-12, and will have four age divisions. The registration fee is $25.
Coaches are also needed for all teams.
For more information or to register, visit the Parks and Recreation office at 100 Army Navy Drive, or call 601-634-4514.
Co-ed softball registration
Registration for the City of Vicksburg’s co-ed adult and church softball leagues will continue through Sept. 20. The registration fee is $175 per team, plus an additional cost of $10 per player from Warren County (outside the city limits) and $20 for residents of Sharkey, Issaquena and Claiborne counties.
For more information or to register, visit the Parks and Recreation office at 100 Army Navy Drive, or call Joseph Graves at 601-634-4514 or 601-831-8050.
YMCA football registration
Registration is for the Vicksburg YMCA’s 2019 youth football season will continue until Aug. 31.
There are four leagues for children ages 5-11. The 5-6, 7- and 8-9-year-olds’ leagues are all flag football leagues, and the 10-11-year-olds’ division is tackle football.
The cost is $60 for YMCA members and $80 for non-members.
The season starts Sept. 16. Flag football games will be played Monday and Tuesday evenings, and the tackle league on Thursdays, at the Purks YMCA fields.
For more information, contact Wayne Scott at 601-638-1071 or
The Vicksburg Post welcomes your items for the Game Plan. Submit items by email for publication Wednesday or Sunday.