Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary set for 40th annual Soup and Sandwich luncheon
Published 2:54 pm Thursday, September 26, 2019
Beef vegetable soup and homemade pimento cheese sandwiches with a cookie or brownie for dessert will be on the menu as the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary holds its 40th annual Soup and Sandwich luncheon, bake sale and silent auction Oct. 15.
Lunch will be served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Crawford Street United Methodist Church, 900 Crawford St. Tickets are $10 and available by calling 601-415-0955 or 601-415-2994.
A limited number of tickets will be sold.
“Our goal is to sell 600 tickets,” said event chairperson Trudy James-Brown. “We’ve got 100 to go; we need help. We appreciate the community helping us out.”
Meals will be available to dine in or carry out, she said, adding elected officials and community leaders will serve as waiters during the event.
“This is our annual fundraiser, and it is our largest one,” James Brown said. “This fundraiser could not happen without the community. Everything we do, the community helps us.”
Over the years, the auxiliary has provided thousands of volunteer hours, serving community children and youth as well as seniors and parents through the Mission 66 Diner, Angel Tree program, Book Bag program, and summer camps for children — programs funded with proceeds from the luncheon.
The purpose of the Salvation Army Auxiliary is to raise public awareness of The Salvation Army, furnish volunteer workers and help provide services to the needy, assist in disaster relief, provide leadership in group work, visit hospital patients, and fundraising in support of The Salvation Army programs.
The women who organized the Vicksburg Chapter of the Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary in 1976. The present auxiliary members have served with the “Heart to God, Hand to Man,” philosophy of the worldwide Salvation Army.
Besides James-Brown, Jacque Henley as co-chair for the luncheon, Martha Roberts is chairperson of the silent auction and Cheryl Lloyd is chairperson of the bake sale.