Stirgus relishes his volunteer role in delivering meals to children
Published 5:15 pm Friday, April 17, 2020
- Vicksburg Warren School District Trustee Jim Sturgis Jr. hands bags of food to children while delivering food on a bus route Thursday. (Courtland Wells/The Vicksburg Post)
With parents who dedicated their careers to the school system, it was a natural decision for Jim Stirgus Jr. to follow in their footsteps.
For more than four years, Stirgus has served as a member of the Vicksburg Warren County School District Board of Trustees and has taken on an additional role over the past few weeks.
Stirgus, along with a school bus driver and employees of the District’s child nutrition team, has been making the rounds and delivering meals to children in Warren County. They are part of a group of volunteers and District employees who have delivered meals each Monday through Friday to more than 3,700 children around Warren County.
“Mom and dad always told me if you could help its best if you just go out and help, so I just wanted to volunteer and help because the kids are our future. Without them, there is nothing left here in Vicksburg,” he said. “They are our allies. We need them, and I wanted to be here for them.”
Beginning March 18, with schools closed due to the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the District began delivering lunch and breakfast to children throughout the county.
Using existing bus routes, meals are delivered to all children 18 years and younger, regardless of whether they attended one of the District’s schools.
In addition to helping serve the children of the community, Stirgus said, he also jumped on board so he could lend a hand to the District’s child nutrition team.
“When I saw the ladies picking up the heavy coolers, I could not turn my back on them,” he said. “The cafeteria workers are doing an excellent job. We have the best workers who have volunteered their time to feed the kids.”
Stirgus said this volunteer opportunity has been a way to let the community see another perspective of the school board.
“Being on the school board, people don’t see the other side of you and now they know that school board members are human, too,” he said.
Also heartening, Stirgus said, has been the response from the children.
“Believe it or not, some of the kids have given us little cards thanking us for coming by and feeding them,” he said.