Our community continues to shine in the face of this pandemic
Published 2:05 pm Friday, February 5, 2021
Who would have ever thought this strange new life we have had to lead, due to the pandemic, would have continued this long?
Sometimes when I get out of my car to go into work or to a place of business and have my mask covering my face, I stop for a minute and think, “No, I haven’t been transported into a science fiction movie.”
This is real.
Thankfully, it looks like we are closer to getting a grip on this virus, with the rollout of vaccines.
Monday, I was given the opportunity to report on Vicksburg’s first day of offering a drive-thru vaccination site. While it was pretty darn cold outside, it was exciting to see cars lining up in the mall parking lot.
Also impressive was Warren County Emergency Management Agency Director John Elfer and his team. They were making sure everything was in place. The Mississippi Air National Guard was there ready to do whatever was needed and, of course, the volunteer nurses who, without them, this could not have happened.
Nearly 400 vaccines were scheduled to be administered throughout the day. There was a small computer glitch before things got rolling that delayed the process briefly, but when I talked to Elfer later in the day, he said it was smooth sailing from there on out.
I am glad our leaders in the community petitioned hard for Vicksburg to host a vaccination drive-thru site.
Not only will this allow locals to get their vaccines close to home, but those traveling to the River City for their appointments will get to see Vicksburg at its best.
Words could never adequately describe the devastation COVID-19 has caused. From illness to deaths to loss of jobs and businesses, it has ravaged our community and our country.
But now, with treatments and more vaccines on the horizon, hopefully we will begin seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. I wonder what that will look like and how history will record the pandemic.
Most definitely history will acknowledge the number of deaths caused by the virus as well as the many snafus that were made along the way. But what I am wondering is if history will make room for the good that came from it — yes, good.
The humanitarian efforts made from coast to coast, from folks collecting food and distributing it to those struggling because of lost jobs to professional musicians on the streets performing for free.
There have also been acts of kindness right here in Vicksburg.
Students from the Vicksburg Warren School District made cards for nursing home residents who could not get out.
Takeout Tuesdays were set up to help local restaurants. A group of teens came together and formed Teens United, and made posters with uplifting messages for kids living at the children’s shelter. In November they collected socks, masks, and hand sanitizer for the elderly.
There have been an abundance of good deeds done since the outbreak of COVID-19, some we all know about and others that were done out of public view.
Duke Ellington, who was the greatest jazz composer and band leader of his time, once said, “A problem is a chance for you to do your best.”
Ellington may not have been referring to a pandemic, but the message is still relevant.
This has certainly been a time for all of us to do our best.