Lorelei Books’ Barfield to speak to local writers group
Published 8:44 am Friday, March 26, 2021
- Kelle Barfield
For several months, Patricia Rickrode has been hosting a writers group at her home.
Locals and people from the Jackson area have been attending these get-togethers, which Rickrode said have served as more of a “support group” to those aspiring to become a writer or, like her, who are already published.
The group has been meeting monthly, and on March 27 beginning at 1 p.m. Kelle Barfield, owner of Lorelei Books, will speak to the group.
As a bookstore owner, Barfield said, she will talk about marketing a book and how to deal with selling a book from a traditional retail sales perspective.
“I am going to have some tips on dealing with publishers from what I see and also the whole supply chain,” Barfield said.
Most of the time, Barfield said, writers just think about the printing process and not so much on the selling.
“I get emails, I get advanced reader’s copies, I get postcards — people try a variety of things to reach out to booksellers, so I can just offer my perspective on what is effective and what works for me,” she said.
Rickrode said she has participated in writing groups similar to the one she has been holding — in California when living there and most recently in the Jackson area.
However, when COVID-19 hit, they stopped meeting, she said.
But, after the shelter in place order was lifted, Rickrode said she began having lunch with a couple of friends she met through these Jackson writing groups.
It was at one of these outings when the women decided to get a writing group together in Vicksburg.
“One of the girls said she didn’t see any reason why a few of us couldn’t get together if we could find a place,” Rickrode said.
At first, it seemed there was no place big enough where a group could gather and still adhere to the social distancing restriction.
That was until Rickrode offered her home, the historic Baer House on Grove Street.
“My goal was to try to continue getting together as a group. We don’t have a name and we are not an organized group. It’s just a bunch of people who like to write and need the encouragement,” Rickrode said.
The writing group began meeting in November and light refreshments are offered during the event.
For those interested in attending the March meeting, Rickrode said, because seating is limited reservations must be made by calling 601-883-1525.