MEET THE CANDIDATES: District 1 Supervisor, 2023 Election Cycle

Published 9:58 am Thursday, April 20, 2023

Editor’s Note: This is the first in a series of stories in which candidates for local offices will answer questions about a variety of issues. The Vicksburg Post sent each candidate a questionnaire with 10 topics, and they were asked to provide their responses. Today, the candidates for Warren County Supervisor for District 1 — Joe Channell, Stan Collins, Edward Herring and David Allen Pugh — give their answers to the following questions:

  1. Name
  2. City/Community of Residence
  3. Current occupation
  4. What office are you seeking?
  5. What is your assessment of the previous or current occupant of this office, and, if elected, would you keep it in the same direction or change course? – OR – How would you grade your success to this point in this office? Do you plan to keep things going in the same direction, or change course?
  6. How would you address transparency and accountability in this office?
  7. What are the most pressing issues in this office and how would you address them?
  8. How would your role in this office improve Vicksburg and Warren County?
  9. What are your reasons for seeking this office and why should voters elect you?
  10. Please share any family /personal information you’d like to include.

Joe Channell

  1. Bovina
  2. Director of Operations, Central MS Area, Keithco Petroleum.
  3. District 1 Supervisor Warren County
  4. I am somewhat disappointed with the ability to get projects scheduled and completed in a timely manner. I would change course.
  5. By having better communication. I would be open, honest, and straightforward about current and future projects for Warren County.
  6. A new jail is always an issue. But there is progress being made on this.
  7. By having better communication with the residents of Warren County.
  8. I want to see Warren County to continue to grow in a positive economic direction.
  9. I am a lifelong resident of Warren County. I have raised 2 great kids here (Katie and Ethan). I have sponsored and coached VGSA teams, VSO teams and little league baseball teams. I am proud to be from Warren County.

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​​ Stan Collins

  1. Vicksburg, Northern Warren County Oak Ridge Community
  2. Independent Contractor and Heavy Equipment Operator
  3. Supervisor District One
  4. I supported the current occupant of this office during the last election. I would utilize my knowledge and experience, to facilitate improvements to infrastructure and maintence of county roadways. I would like to effectively work with other elected officials to bring businesses back to our community, and work together to improve our overall economic growth.
  5. Transparency and accountability is important to gain respect from our voters in the community. Leadership requires the ability to listen, remain open to suggestions and feedback from our taxpayers. Elected officials must remain in contact with the taxpayers and be available for questions and/or concerns. The County Supervisor should not only be available by phone, but be visible in the community they serve.
  6. One of the most pressing issues in this office is the failing infrastructure of our county roadways and accessibility to safe roads for travel.
  7. If elected, I would strive to improve Vicksburg and Warren County by being a responsive leader and a catalyst for positive changes in our community.
  8. I am seeking the office of county supervisor because, I am a life long resident of the community and invested in improving our county. I offer years of experience in construction and development. I would like the opportunity to serve our community and effectively work with other elected officials to improve our overall infrastructure and economic development.
  9. I am married to Lori Hackler Collins and we have 2 children, Tristan Howell Collins and Kristen Danielle Rennhack. My son Tristan is a freshman at Warren Central High School, my late son, Micheal Collins and my step-daughter is a graduate of Warren Central High School. My mother Anita Collins is a retired educator from The Vicksburg Warren School District. My Father, John Collins, as well as my wife’s parents, Billy Rae and Ruby Hackler, were also lifelong residents of the Vicksburg Community. I must give credit to my Father, John G. Collins, for my knowledge of soil stabilization and construction. He retired from Waterways as an Environmental, Military, and Civil Engineer.

Edward Herring

  1. Vicksburg, Oakridge Community
  2. District 1 Warren County Supervisor
  3. District 1 Warren County Supervisor
  4. I am never one to grade myself well and demand constant improvement of myself and any process I am involved with. Although some things do not move as fast as I would like, I believe this current board has been very successful. The setbacks with COVID, my own health issues and various supply and vendor delays had us at a standstill for a while. With some spillover into current contractor needs, we have had to make adjustments and extend timelines to ensure the success and progress of these projects.
  5. Transparency and accountability are paramount to me. The taxpayer’s dollar is the most precious aspect of this job. Knowing that I have been entrusted to hold and use those monies to operate and better this community is an honor. As we are aware there is never enough for everything and attend to every need but prioritizing and ensuring waste is worked out of programs helps maximize the tax dollar.
  6. Infrastructure, Infrastructure, Infrastructure. As anyone that has attended any meeting or been a part of any budget conversations will attest, improving our roads, maintaining our buildings and investing in needs that are generational are so important to me.
  7. The relationships built and the knowledge learned over the last few years are so important. Not only does this board work very well together; the collaborative efforts with the city, state leaders and the private sector have and will allow this community to grow and prosper.
  8. To continue striving to make Vicksburg and Warren County a better place to live. It is so easy for our residents to find reasons to relocate or encourage their children to move off. Some, none of us will or can even stop, but I will give every effort to grow the job opportunities, housing needs and entertainment/recreational to help keep this community attractive.
  9. My family has lived and worshiped in Vicksburg for generations. With my own children now grown and calling Vicksburg home, I continue the challenge to myself to help keep them here and hope the grandchildren call this home as well.

David Allen Pugh

  1. Tucker Road Community
  2. Owner-Operator of Patriot Motorsports and MS Vetcorp
  3. District 1 Supervisor
  4. There is always room for improvement. I Don’t think that any supervisors have done a bad job and I think that a new set of eyes and a new set of ideas are always healthy so that we don’t get stuck in the mentality of “That’s how things have always been.” Change is not always a bad thing. Younger generations can drastically improve an ever-changing world.
  5. There is one main goal in District 1 and all of Warren County: Work with the other supervisors and to grow a safe and clean area for its residents and have a place that people want to reside in and be proud of.
  6. Accountability of the projects that have been promised to residents that were either never completed or tabled without explanation to its taxpayers and create an environment that attracts people to want to reside and spend money here.
  7. I would make sure that the taxpayer’s money was allocated and utilized to improve the community and start/finish projects in a timely manner so that we could move on to other pressing issues to keep moving Warren County in a positive direction. I’m hoping to attract outsiders to come and live here and not just commute here for work with improvements to our county.
  1. There are so many reasons, but the first reason is this is my hometown and I am proud of Warren County and all that it has provided for my family over the years. Second, I want my kids to have a place to grow up in, be prosperous here, and want to stay Warren County residents as adults. Third, I want to see the community grow in all aspects. Fourth, I’m vested in the economics that will allow generations to come want to invest in, work here and reside here. 
  2. I was born and raised here in Warren County. My dad David Pugh has worked at Ergon here in Warren County my entire life. My mom Pam Pugh has also worked as a banker in Warren County my entire life as well. I grew up here and graduated high school at Porters Chapel, went to Hinds Community College at the Warren County Campus. I joined the Army and served as an Airborne Army Ranger serving tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, earning a Purple Heart for injuries sustained in combat. I came back to Warren County after my time in the Army and worked for the Vicksburg Fire Department and was the OIC of the Rescue truck for B-shift. I currently own Patriot Motorsports and MS Vetcorp which are Warren County-based businesses. I have three amazing kids: Gavin Pugh, 16; Kadience Pugh, 11; and Shelton Pugh, 8. They attend Porters Chapel Academy and are active in sports and cheer. I live in District in the Tucker Road community and can’t wait to serve our local taxpayers.