Old Post Files: August 4, 1923-2023
Published 8:00 am Friday, August 4, 2023
Old Post Files is a regular feature within the pages of The Vicksburg Post’s print edition and digital e-edition. This feature looks back at some of the happenings from the pages of The Vicksburg Post over the past few decades. Enjoy.
100 Years Ago: 1923
C.J. Groves and Amelia Hutchins secured a marriage license. • Maj. Lee Richardson, a former resident, died in New York. • Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yoste and his family visited Frank Farish in Biloxi. • Samuel Ewing died.
90 Years Ago: 1933
Mr. William Cashman and his daughters departed for Chicago. • Mrs. George Mangham died. • John B. Marsh and Gladys Ruth McIntyre were married. • Dr. Vito Canizaro arrived from Rome, Italy, to visit his parents.
80 Years Ago: 1943
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Hackett observed their 50th anniversary. • Aviation Cadet Robert Shaw was assigned duty at Cochran Field, Ga. • C.C.Barbour was ill at the Infirmary. • E.W. Haining was elected county superintendent of education.
70 Years Ago: 1953
Lt. Edley Jones Jr. left for the Air Force Base at Lake Charles, La. • John O. Raworth was vacationing in Alaska. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles West announced the birth of a daughter, Kathleen.
60 Years Ago: 1963
Services were held for Janie Watkins, former assistant principal at Carr Central High School and H.V. Cooper High School. • N.W. Martin, Utica resident, died. • Mrs. Bess Hanley was vacationing in Orlando, Fla.
50 Years Ago: 1973
Sharon Hood was a district winner in the National Christ’s Ambassadors scholarship contest of Assemblies of God Churches. • Mrs. Stan Terry was elected president of the Vicksburg Hospital Auxillary for 1973-74. • Zales employee A.L. Tanner was commended at a manager’s meeting in Dallas.
40 Years Ago: 1983
The Rev. Ben Johnson died. • Twenty-one-year-old Jerry Taylor of Utica was rescued from drowning at a motel swimming pool by Vivian Moore, a 45-year-old woman visiting from Sherman Texas. • Maggie Heggins, a 3-year-old from Utica, caught a 3-pound catfish.
30 Years Ago: 1993
Hamilton Heights homeowners said some vacant lots are not being properly maintained by the city. • Workers ground areas of Halls Ferry Road from Pemberton Blvd. to Williams Road in preparation for new asphalt. • Police Chief Herman Redrick says lower standards for police department recruits have tripled the department’s applicants.
20 Years Ago: 2003
Two cars and a bus collided on Mississippi 27 on the first day of school for the Vicksburg Warren School District. • $4,100 in prescription drugs were reported stolen from a break-in at the Helping Hand Family Pharmacy on U.S. 61 North. • Frances Black Evans died. • Members of the 2003 Class 5A state basketball champion Vicksburg Gators showed off their championship rings during a ceremony at Vicksburg High School.
10 Years Ago: 2013
They’re back, 8,500 VWSD students began the new school year. • Flashes, Gators and Vikings opened fall practices.