Shine a light on a silent issue: Haven House plans events for Domestic Violence Awareness month
Published 12:45 pm Thursday, October 5, 2023
- The Warren County Board of Supervisors proclaimed October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month on Monday. Pictured are, from left: District 4 Supervisor Dr. Jeffery Holland, Haven House outreach coordinator Krystal Hamlin, District 5 Supervisor Kelle Barfield, District 3 Supervisor Shawn Jackson, Haven House director Dr. Christine Bridges and District 2 Supervisor William Banks. (Photo by Anna Guizerix | The Vicksburg Post)
To bring attention to intimate partner violence, Haven House Family Shelter, a local non-profit that provides services and support for domestic violence victims and their children, has scheduled events throughout the month of October, which is Domestic Violence Awareness Month.
Domestic violence is not exclusive to any one demographic. It affects people of all races, socioeconomic classes and genders.
On Oct. 21, the annual Domestic Violence Walk will take place at the Vicksburg YMCA. Registration begins at 9:30 and the walk starts at 10 a.m. Haven House Family Shelter outreach coordinator Krystal Hamlin said participants will walk three laps around the YMCA’s walking trail, totaling one mile.
“We will also have the Jackson Hinds mobile crises unit set up as well as Mississippi Shines,” Hamlin said. “The mobile crises unit is going to do rapid HIV testing and the Mississippi Shines will do blood pressure checks.”
On Oct. 19, individuals as well as organizations in the community are encouraged to participate in “Post it Purple.”
Hamlin said all people are encouraged to wear purple during October to signify support.
“This is an effective way to raise awareness of the serious issue of domestic violence in our society, and the devastating effect that it has on victims, survivors and family members,” she said.
Additionally, Hamlin said Haven House is asking all who are wearing purple on that day to post photos on their Facebook page and use the hashtags #PostitPurple and #HHFS. Photos shared during the Domestic Violence Walk with the hashtags will also be highlighted on Haven House’s social media pages as well as in the shelter’s newsletter.
In Mississippi, nearly 40 percent of women and just over 31 percent of men have experienced some form of domestic violence.
Domestic violence is described by the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence as the willful intimidation, physical assault, sexual assault and or other abusive behavior as part of a systematic pattern of power and control. This includes physical violence sexual violence, threats and emotional abuse.