Bridge at Lee Circle, Halls Ferry to close beginning Monday
Published 7:07 pm Friday, October 27, 2023
- This bridge on Halls Ferry Road, near Lee Circle at the Vicksburg city limits, will soon be closed for repairs. (Photo by Anna Guizerix | The Vicksburg Post)
A bridge on Halls Ferry Road in Warren County will begin an estimated three-month closure on Monday, county engineers confirmed.
The bridge, located on Halls Ferry Road at the Vicksburg city limits near Lee Circle, is approximately 30 years old and is a victim of scour, engineer Brian Robbins said, erosion of soil surrounding a bridge foundation. Losing soil can seriously compromise the bridge’s integrity.
Repairing the bridge will also increase its posted weight, meaning heavier vehicles will be able to safely cross it.
“We want to add some pilings so we can improve the posting of the bridge,” Robbins said in a previous interview. “Something that’s been a hindrance to the public is that people hauling logs or materials can’t go across it, since it’s posted for such a low weight.”
The project is estimated at $989,299 and will be funded through Emergency Road and Bridge Repair Funds, which are administered through the Mississippi Department of Transportation.
For the duration of the closure, the marked detour for motorists will be Gibson Road, Lee Road and Indiana Drive to Porters Chapel Road, but there are other routes available for local residents.
Although it may be a headache for some residents, Robbins said, it is in the best interest of the county to get the project completed.
“If you leave it unchecked, we’ll continue to have erosion problems,” Robbins said.