Sen. Katrina Jackson to host community water update for Tallulah via Zoom

Published 2:08 pm Monday, May 13, 2024

Officials with the City of Tallulah said a community water update will be held Monday at 6:30 p.m. via Zoom and will be hosted by Sen. Katrina Jackson.

Jackson, senator for Louisiana’s District 34, is expected to give updates on the city’s continuing water issues resulting from its aging water plant.

In recent months, a number of unrelated mechanical issues have caused city-wide water outages for customer of Tallulah’s water service.

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The city is currently in the midst of conversations with officials up to and including Gov. Jeff Landry about possible solutions to the water issues that have been a source of contention within the community for years.

A plan to refurbish the plant hit a road block in late 2023, when initial bids for the work came in millions of dollars over budget. Since a second round of bids ended in similar fashion, the city has gone back to the drawing board looking for ways to either raise the additional funds or find a more affordable solution to the ongoing issues.

Monday’s Zoom meeting is open to the public and can be accessed using the information below.

Meeting ID: 823 2023 7291

Passcode: 541946