Old Post Files: May 22, 1924-2014

Published 8:19 am Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Old Post Files is a regular feature within the pages of The Vicksburg Post’s print edition and digital e-edition. This feature looks back at some of the happenings from the pages of The Vicksburg Post over the past few decades. Enjoy.

100 Years Ago: 1924

Mrs. M. L. Mendel and her son were in Vicksburg after a trip to Arizona. • Pearl Houston was ill. • Mrs. George Theobald and her daughter, Mary, went to Merrimac, Wis. to visit relatives. 

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90 Years Ago: 1934

Mrs. Freeman Rea was ill at the Vicksburg Hospital. • Mrs. S.C. Ken was reported ill at her home on Belmont Street. • Albert Lewis and his Peacock Night Club Orchestra played for a dance in Port Gibson.

80 Years Ago: 1944

Lt. and Mrs. Louis P. Cashman Jr. announced the birth of their daughter, Mary Louise. • A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. S.C. McBroom. • The Rev. and Mrs. Gordon Reese were visiting from Houston.

70 Years Ago: 1954 

Redwood High School held its annual commencement exercises. • Martha P. Jackson died. • J.R. Marsalis was a patient at Mercy Hospital.

60 Years Ago: 1964

Dr. and Mrs. Herman Kellum were attending the Mississippi State Medical Society meeting in Jackson. • Ray Adcock was elected national director of the Mississippi Junior Chamber of Commerce. • Myra Booth died. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack Canizaro III announced the birth of a daughter, Mary Elise. • Thomas Spencer died.

50 Years Ago: 1974

Mrs. W.D. Pitts returned by jet from Fort Lauderdale, Fla., where she was visiting with her daughter and her family. • Mike Ellis, a graduate of Vanderbilt, was awarded a fellowship to Vanderbilt. • The Rev. Charles Funderburk was the new pastor of Calvary Baptist Church on Warrior’s Trail.

40 Years Ago: 1984

Quartermaster Jimmie Ray would cater to Grant during a reenactment of the battle of Champions Hill at Edwards. • Eric Banks, a Warren Central High School senior, was named a presidential scholar by the U.S. Department of Education.  • Services were held for Alberta Martin.

30 Years Ago: 1994

The 1600, 1700 and 1800 blocks of Mulberry Street were purchased by the City of Vicksburg for a convention center. • Beechwood and Redwood Elementary schools were to have new principals for the 1994-95 school year.


20 Years Ago: 2004

A Vicksburg man who had been convicted of armed robbery after a second trial on the charge was sentenced to 15 years in prison. 


10 Years Ago: 2014

The Vicksburg Warren School District received a grant to feed students in kindergarten through eighth grade. • Warren County unemployment was the lowest it had been in five years. • VHA residents were past due $90,000 on utilities.