Published 12:00 am Friday, September 6, 2002
WOODMEN OF THE WORLD Regular meeting, 6 tonight; Fisher Ferry Volunteer Fire Department on Goodrum Road; 638-2495.
ELITE CIVIC CLUB 7:30 p.m. Saturday, monthly meeting at the home of Athenia Jefferson.
DELTA SIGMA THETA MEETING 4 p.m. Sunday; Vicksburg Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.; Bobbie Morrow, 638-8495; or Pammy Hall, 638-2308.
SALVATION ARMY WOMEN’S AUXILIARY Noon Monday; Salvation Army Citadel, 530 Mission 66; annual Soup and Sandwich Luncheon tickets will be available; all members are urged to attend.
EXCHANGE CLUB 12:30 p.m. Monday, Piccadilly; guest speaker will be Keafur Grimes.
VICKSBURG CRUISERS CAR CLUB 6 p.m. Monday, Goldie’s Trail Barbecue; business meeting; 638-7717.
STRINGER LODGE NO. 1 7:30 p.m. Monday, regular meeting; at Lodge Hall on Court Street; all Prince Hall Masons welcome.
ALPHA CHAPTER OF P.H.A. 11:30 a.m. Tuesday; meeting at Piccadilly; hostesses will be Burnett Tucker and Jean McKnight.
Public programs
LEVI’S “A Gathering Place,” 7-10 p.m. Saturday, Shelter Drive off Mount Alban Road; music by Omar Rivers and his band.
ADOPT-A-THON 11 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday, inside Pemberton Square mall; presented by Vicksburg Warren-Humane Society; sponsored by Pemberton Square Cinema 4; free movie pass with each adoption.
COMMUNITY HEALTH FAIR 8-11 a.m. Saturday; Goodrum Baptist Church, 4569 Fisher Ferry Road; Debbie Hoover, 619-4201.
14TH OVER THE RIVER RUN 8 a.m. Saturday; presented by River Region Health System; proceeds benefit Area 10 Special Olympics, Children’s Shelter, and Haven House; race begins in the Ameristar parking lot C on Washington Street, crosses the Mississippi River Bridge, and ends back in Vicksburg; preregistration is encouraged, but runners may also register morning of the race; 883-5760.
FIRE DEPARTMENT LADIES AUXILIARY FUND RAISER 10 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday, Vicksburg Factory Outlets; “Boot Drive” to support Mississippi Burn Center; stop by and see the platform fire truck and Nikki, the fire dog.
HUNTER EDUCATION CLASS 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m. Saturday, Woodlawn Baptist Church; will be taught by Mike Richmond; students need to preregister by calling the church, 636-5320.
ROSA A. TEMPLE CLASS OF 1968 Reunion planning meeting, 7 p.m. Monday; King Solomon Baptist Church fellowship hall; all class members are invited to attend.
VICKSBURG HIGH SCHOOL BACK-TO-SCHOOL NIGHT 6 p.m. Monday; parents begin in their child’s home room and follow their class schedule, spending 5 minutes in each class.
NAACP 7 p.m. Monday, 902 Kline St.
HINDS HUNTER ED CLASSES 6-9 p.m. Monday-Wednesday; Hinds Community College, Highway 27; classes taught by Lonnie Friar; Social Security number required, minimum age for certification is 10; attendance mandatory all three nights; call instructor for further information, 636-8883.
DIVORCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP 10-week program to aid in the adjustment of ending a relationship; begins Tuesday at Grace Christian Counseling Center, 1414 Cherry St.; 636-5703.
STROKE SUPPORT GROUP 6-7 p.m. Tuesday, River Region West Campus Cafeteria on North Frontage Road.
PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 6:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, River Region West Campus in the Education Conference Room on North Frontage Road; 619-3192.
DIABETES EDUCATION CLASSES River Region West Campus on North Frontage Road; group and individual classes; call 619-3609 for times and information.
COMMUNITY STOREHOUSE FOOD PANTRY VOLUNTEER TRAINING 5:30-7 p.m. Tuesday; second floor of the United Way Building; anyone interested in working as a volunteer is encouraged to attend; 636-1733.
FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN 7 p.m. Tuesday, Warren Central Junior High School library; Regina Jeffers, 638-4642; Patti Robinson, 636-8270.
HOMEWORK NETWORK Tutoring Sessions; each Tuesday and Thursday from 4 until 5:30 p.m., starts Tuesday; free tutoring sessions at Vicksburg High School in the JROTC department, available to grades 9-12; James O. Bowman at 661-0684 or Pearlie Goodman at 636-1688.
HOMEWORK ASSISTANCE Provided by Central Mississippi Prevention Services; homework assistance and life-skills training for students ages 8-17; Sherry Liggins or Joseph Johnson at 631-0102.
CASA VOLUNTEER TRAINING Child Abuse Prevention Center, 2732 Washington St.; 5-9 nightly Monday and Tuesday and Sept. 16, 17, 23 and 24; 634-0557.
EXPLORER’S BIBLE STUDY Begins Wednesday at First Presbyterian Church; Interdenominational Bible Study meets each Wednesday morning from 9:30 until 11; a children’s program for ages 2-5 and a nursery is provided; to register or for more information, call 638-2552.
WOMEN’S CONFERENCE AT NEW ROCK OF AGES M.B. 9 a.m. Saturday, New Rock of Ages M.B. Church, 2944 Valley St.; guest speakers are the Rev. Burnette Armstrong of New Generation Church of Monroe, La., and Gladys Edwards of Wisner, La.; public is invited; pastor is Michael Reed.
ANGELIC VOICES OF CHRIST PRESENTS GOSPEL EXTRAVAGANZA 6:30 p.m. Saturday, Holly Grove M.B. Church, 746 Johnson St.; specials guests include The Sensational Chosen Voices (formerly The Angelette’s of Utica), Young Men in Christ of Utica and The Gospel Harmonizers; Lvonne Woods, 661-6028.
SOLID ROCK PENTECOSTAL FUND RAISER 8 a.m.-5 p.m. today and 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday; Solid Rock Pentecostal Church, 4945 Highway 61 North; all new merchandise; 636-0692.
CLOVER VALLEY M.B. 2 p.m. Saturday; business meeting.
PLEASANT VALLEY M.B. FUND RAISER 6 a.m.-noon; yard sale and car wash; 2585 N. Washington St..