Published 12:00 am Tuesday, September 10, 2002
KIWANIS Joint cookout with Key Club members, 6 tonight; Hopping H Ranch on Gibson Road.
AMERICAN LEGION TYNER-FORD POST 213 8 tonight, regular meeting at the Lodge Hall, 1618 Main St.; refreshments will be served.
VICKSBURG LIONS CLUB Noon Wednesday, Maxwell’s; guest speaker will be Shaheena Haque with the Child Abuse Prevention Center.
UNITED DAUGHTERS OF THE CONFEDERACY CHAPTER No. 77 2 p.m. Thursday, Vicksburg chapter meeting at Piccadilly; guest speaker will be Dr. Emma Keulegan.
AMERICAN LEGION POST 3 AND LADIES AUXILIARY 7 p.m. Thursday; regular meeting for both at the Legion Hall on Monroe Street; a meal will be served.
DISTRICT 5A MASONICS AND EASTERN STARS 6:30 p.m. Thursday, Straughter Building at 1141 Martin Luther King Jr. St.; meeting for all lodges/chapters that work under King Hiram Grand Lodge and Electra Grand Chapter O.E.S.; Donnell Ellis, 638-1220.
VICKSBURG QUILTERS 9:30 a.m. Saturday, First Presbyterian Church; table runner or tablecloth class; anyone not wanting to do this project can do a sit and sew; bring a sack lunch; Barbara Cashman, 638-3240.
Public programs
SENIOR CENTER Wednesday: 9 a.m.-noon, King Bridge; 9, NIA exercise; 10, MS Home Care Response System and making soap; 12:30 p.m., potluck lunch (bring covered dish); 1:30-3:30, acrylic art class; 2:30, open play dominoes.
VICKSBURG ART ASSOCIATION 7:30 tonight, Old Constitution Firehouse on Openwood Street; new season opening program, open to the public.
DIVORCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP 10-week program to aid in the adjustment of ending a relationship; begins tonight at Grace Christian Counseling Center, 1414 Cherry St.; 636-5703.
STROKE SUPPORT GROUP 6-7 tonight, River Region West Campus Cafeteria on North Frontage Road.
PROSTATE CANCER SUPPORT GROUP 6:30-7:30 tonight, River Region West Campus in the Education Conference Room on North Frontage Road; 619-3192.
LIBRARY SCHEDULE Wednesday: 10:30 a.m., reading of “Just Grandma and Me” and other stories, followed by art activity.
DIABETES EDUCATION CLASSES River Region West Campus on North Frontage Road; group and individual classes; call 619-3609 for times and information.
COMMUNITY STOREHOUSE FOOD PANTRY VOLUNTEER TRAINING 5:30-7 tonight; second floor of United Way Building; anyone interested in working as a volunteer is encouraged to attend; 636-1733.
FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP FOR AUTISTIC CHILDREN 7 tonight, Warren Central Junior High School library; Regina Jeffers, 638-4642; Patti Robinson,
HOMEWORK NETWORK Tutoring sessions; each Tuesday and Thursday from 4 until 5:30 p.m., starts today; free tutoring sessions at Vicksburg High School in the JROTC department, available to grades 9-12; James O. Bowman at 661-0684 or Pearlie Goodman at 636-1688.
OVEREATERS ANONYMOUS 6-7 p.m. Wednesday, Bowmar Baptist Church, Highway 61 South; no diets, no dues, no weigh-ins; 638-0011.
RIVER KIDS AFTER SCHOOL ARTS ACTIVITY Classes for fall semester start at 4 p.m. Thursday; taught by local arts teachers; open to all children ages 7 to 13; reservations required; Beth Brown, 631-2997.
HOMEWORK ASSISTANCE Provided by Central Mississippi Prevention Services; homework assistance and life-skills training for students ages 8-17; Sherry
Liggins or Joseph Johnson, 631-0102.
CASA VOLUNTEER TRAINING Child Abuse Prevention Center, 2732 Washington St.; 5-9 nightly, tonight and Sept. 16, 17, 23 and 24; 634-0557.
HAWKINS PRESCHOOL Hawkins Preschool is forming another 2-year-old class; child must have been 2 by Sept. 1; 636-7051.
CARY SCHOOL REUNION Sept. 20-21; former students and teachers invited to attend; includes tour of Cary town hall and evening activities in Vicksburg; for information call Jane Bennett Barefoot at 601-924-0047 or e-mail jebbarefoot@aol.com.
CHRISTIAN HOMES M.B. NO. 1 REVIVAL 7 nightly through Friday, Christian Homes M.B. No. 1 Church, Scott Road; guest speaker will be the Rev. Sammie Brown.
MOUNT PILGRIM M.B. REVIVAL 7:15 nightly through Friday, Mount Pilgrim M.B. Church, 3327 Highway 61 South; guest speaker will be Ernest Slaughter Sr., pastor of New Canney Creek M.B. Church in Jackson; the pastor is Glen A. Hemphill; public is invited.
HOLY TRINITY 9/11 MEMORIAL SERVICE 7 p.m. Wednesday; Church of the Holy Trinity, 900 South St., in the Sanctuary.
GOODRUM BAPTIST REMEMBRANCE SERVICE AND BENEFIT 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Goodrum Baptist Church, 4569 Fisher Ferry Road; remembrance service for all firemen, law enforcement and medical personnel involved in the 9/11 terrorist attack; and also a benefit for Bubba Lynn and Eric Smith; Dr. Ray M. Spence is pastor; the public is invited; 636-4904.
FAMILY FIRST FESTIVAL 7 p.m. Thursday, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 6300 Indiana Ave.; night of family fun; free family photos taken.
SEMINARY OPENING PROGRAM AT MOUNT CARMEL 7 p.m. Friday, Mount Carmel Baptist Church, 2729 Alma St.; opening program for Mississippi Baptist Seminary; guest speaker is the Rev. Eric D. Williams, academic dean of Mississippi Baptist Seminary at the Main Campus; special music will be presented by Mary Caho of Fayette; Lewis Lassiter, 638-5429.
BECOMING WOMEN OF EXCELLENCE SERIES 2 p.m. Saturday; presented by Jubilee Revival Ministries, The Mafan Building, 1315 Adams; guest speaker is Minister Carolyn Dent of Faith Christian Center.
SHADY GROVE M.B. YOUTH DAY PROGRAM 6 p.m. Saturday, Shady Grove M.B. Church, 61 Shady Grove Circle; hosted by youth department; the Rev. Terry Moore is the pastor, and Pamela Fisher is the youth director.
COMMUNITY SWAT WORKSHOP Students Working Against Tobacco, 1 p.m. Saturday; Travis Chapel A.M.E. Church, 745 Hutson St.; guests will be representatives from the Vicksburg Fire Department; all youth and youth leaders are invited to attend; 661-0805 or 638-7163.