Published 12:00 am Monday, January 26, 2004
We welcome your items for the Community Calendar. Submit items by postal service (P.O. Box 821668, Vicksburg, MS 39182), e-mail (newsreleases@vicksburgpost.com), fax (634-0897), delivered in person to 1601-F N. Frontage Road, or by calling 636-4545 between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. weekdays. If corresponding by fax, mail or e-mail, be sure to include your name and phone number. Items can be published a maximum of four times.
AARP 10 a.m. Tuesday, Chamber of Commerce; speaker will be Sidney Smith, elder planning specialist.
Rosa A. Temple Class of 1969 Reunion planning meeting, 6:30 p.m. Monday at The Ridge apartments.
Kiwanis Noon Tuesday, Maxwell’s; speaker will be Cheryl Comans of the Vicksburg-Warren County Chamber of Commerce.
Civitan Noon Wednesday, Shoney’s; speaker will be Andrea Tower of The Third Floor.
Lions Noon Wednesday, Maxwell’s; Dr. Daniel Edney will speak on community service.
TRIAD 2 p.m. Wednesday, board room at City Hall Annex; speaker will be the Rev. Tommy Miller of Good Shepherd Community Center.
Paragon Lodge No. 7 F&AM 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, casual dress; all Prince Hall affiliates welcome; members bring a covered dish; Cedric Magee, 415-0689.
VHS Class of 1994 Reunion planning; addresses and assistance needed; Carr Murphy, 992-9151 or MurphyCarr@hotmail.com.
Public programs
Vicksburg Senior Center Tuesday: 9:30 a.m., intermediate exercise and bridge; 10:30, open use computers; 1 p.m., piano; 2, dulcimer class; 2:30, open play dominoes.
Training for Potential Foster Parents Tuesday, Warren County Extension Office; offered by Family and Children Services; Lynnette Fleming, 636-1597 or 636-1692.
CPR Class 5-8 p.m. Tuesday, The Street Clinic.
Overeaters Anonymous 6-7 p.m. Wednesday; Bowmar Baptist Church, room 206C; no diets, dues or weigh-ins; 638-0011.
Make-A-Wish Foundation Volunteer Luncheon Noon Thursday, Pemberton Square mall’s Community Room; reservations needed by Tuesday to Jane Walsh, 800-819-4072.
Serenity Al-Anon 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Marian Hill; family and friends of alcoholics/addicts welcome; 631-2770 or 631-2705.
“Anyone Can Draw” Three-session adult art workshop, 6-8 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 5 and Feb. 12; Southern Cultural Heritage Center, 1302 Adams St.; $35 fee, includes materials; reservations required; 631-2997.
“Mozart by Candlelight” 7:30 p.m. Friday, Galloway United Methodist Church in Jackson; 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Belhaven College Center for the Arts; presented by Mississippi Symphony Orchestra Chamber II and Belhaven College Chorale; $15 for adults, $10 for seniors, $5 for students; 960-1565 or www.msorchestra.com.
Miss Mississippi Dancers Auditions For the 2004 Miss Mississippi Pageant; Saturday at Bowmar Elementary; registration, 9:30 a.m.; senior male dancers with jazz and tap experience, male and female junior dancers and singer/dancer for Santa and Mrs. Claus; black and white head shot required; senior dancers prepare one-minute routine; 638-6746 or missmiss@canufly.net.
VBA Spring Baseball Registration Feb. 1-March 8; registration forms available at The Sport Center and City of Vicksburg Recreation Department; Darrell Evans, 636-5838; Bob Fitzgerald, 638-3280; or Dana Williams, 634-4514.
“The Sound of Music” Presented by Vicksburg Theatre Guild and Ameristar Casino; 7:30 p.m. Feb. 6, 7, 13, 14 and 2 p.m. Feb. 8, 15 at Parkside Playhouse; 636-0471 for reservations.
Rebuilding Blocks of Recovery 10-week workshop for those divorced, divorcing, separated or recovering from broken relationship; 6-8 p.m. Tuesdays through Aug. 12, Grace Christian Counseling Center, 1414 Cherry St.; $100 fee, registration required; program for children 6 and older and nursery provided; Walter Frazier, 636-5703.
After-School Program for Ages 8-17 Homework assistance and lifeskills training, 920 Shannon St. and 1911-B Mission 66; provided by Central Mississippi Prevention Services; certified teachers and counselors available; 631-0102.