Substitute teacher dismissed from Vicksburg Junior High|[05/03/08]
Published 12:00 am Saturday, May 3, 2008
A first-time substitute teacher for the Vicksburg Warren School District was asked to leave Vicksburg Junior High School Friday as he arrived for his second day because of complaints about his behavior, said Superintendent Dr. James Price.
Price did not give the substitute’s name but said he made inappropriate comments to 10 students in one class on Thursday. Price was notified by multiple calls from parents.
The comments were “of a sexual nature, and I got word of that after school,” Price said. “We began our investigation first thing this morning, and we took what action we were allowed to take.”
All substitutes are required to take a class and pass a test, in addition to providing a background check through the FBI.
“You never know — until you put (substitutes) in a class — what they’re going to do,” Price said. “We’re fortunate to have excellent substitutes. Every once in a while, I guess we get one” who’s not.
He said the matter was turned over to District Attorney Ricky Smith’s office to determine what criminal charges, if any, can be filed.
“I’m just sorry as I can be that it happened,” Price said.