Washington, Jackson must stop piling on more taxes

Published 12:00 am Sunday, April 19, 2009

Many of our state legislators have high regard for their power over the citizens of Mississippi or they think we are the most ignorant folks on planet earth!

Why do I make such a statement? This past Wednesday all across the United States, millions of American citizens said to the Obama administration and Congress, “Enough is enough!”

We’re tired of politicians robbing the hard-working citizens to pay for self-serving programs funded by increases in taxes.  One of the many “Tea Parties” took place on the grounds of the Mississippi State Capitol. While this was taking place, some of our legislators were inside the Capitol getting ready to nearly double the price the hard-working citizens of this great state will have to pay for car tags. Why? Because they lack the courage to raise the tax on tobacco, or liquor or gambling or other items and events that add more burden to the taxpayers of Mississippi.

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Matter of fact a few of the leaders had the brass to stand out with the crowd and condemn the mess in Washington!

Maybe the hard-working citizens of Mississippi need to rally together by calling our representatives and making them aware that both Washington politicians and state politicians need to heed the message, “Enough is enough!”

Seems to be too much loafing going on in the Capitol chambers!  Go to work for the taxpayers you represent and stop adding tax on tax to the citizens of Mississippi.

Ron Burch


Caring care really matters

I have been a registered nurse in this community for over 30 years. Most of that time I have worked for Mercy, Parkview and then River Region. Like everyone sometimes we think the grass is greener somewhere else, so I worked in Jackson for about five years. I came back to work at River Region last year and it was like coming home again.

Employees are well aware that some in the community refer to us as “killer region.” As a professional nurse I find this to be offensive. I have always tried to give my patents the best care I could. The fact is, sick people come to the hospital and sometimes sick people die in spite of all we in the health-care field can do.

This past October I began to have severe pain in my back and side. I was admitted and the next day I was diagnosed with lymphoma.

This was such a scary time because I was so ill. I had always been the one taking care of the sick and now I was on the other side. There were times that I did not know who was taking care of me, but there was such care and concern in their voices. Sometimes I would wake up and find one of them holding my hand and asking if I needed anything.

I was a patient literally on every floor. The nursing staff on every floor was wonderful to me and my husband and family. They went out of their way to make sure that we were comfortable. They were professional but so kind. Sometimes someone from housekeeping or dietary would come in and before they left they would turn and just say something so nice. My physicians were incredible. Our CEO makes rounds on the floors and came to visit me to let me know that he and his family would be praying for us.

My husband and I have found out that my disease did not respond to the chemotherapy. Am I going to call the hospital “killer region” because the treatment did not work? Never! As I said earlier, sick people go to the hospital and sometimes sick people die.

These decisions are in God’s hands. I know that I was given the best care and treatment that I could have received anywhere, but it also makes such a difference to be cared for by people who truly care.

I would like to ask the community to remember that we have the best health care available right here and to be supportive of our health-care workers.

Sandy Cain


Fix health care this year

Our health-care system costs too much, wastes too much, makes too many mistakes and gives us back too little value for our money. That’s why the American Association of Retired Persons, on behalf of our 40 million members, including 319,000 in Mississippi, believe Congress must enact comprehensive bipartisan health reform now.

Constituents of Mississippi’s congressional delegation should ask its members now how they plan to fix the nation’s broken health-care system.

AARP is calling on Congress and President Barack Obama to find bipartisan, commonsense solutions this year that will provide adffordable health choices to all Americans.

AARP sees four critical needs:

• Spreading the benefits and the cost of health-care reform among all Americans so that no generation is penalized.

• Ensuring that Americans 50 to 64, who are usually more difficult to insure, have a wider range of affordable health-care plans.

• Ensuring that Medicare is well-funded for current and future generations by lowering health costs and improving benefits.

• Helping people receive care and services in their homes and avoiding costly institutions, such as nursing homes.

As baby boomers age, the ranks of people without health insurance  — ages 50-64 — are soaring. AARP’s Public Policy Institute estimates that 13 percent of 7.1 million adults in this age group were uninsured in 2007. Mississippi has 94,914 uninsured 50- to 64-year-old people.

Even people with Medicare are struggling to keep up with the rapidly rising premiums and out-of-pocket costs that threaten their health and financial security. Nearly 20 percent of Medicare Part D beneficiaries delayed or did not fill a prescription because of costs — higher than any other insured group.

Ask Sen. Thad Cochran, Sen. Roger Wicker, Rep. Travis Childers, Rep. Gregg Harper, Rep. Gene Taylor and Rep. Bennie Thompson to reform the health-care system this year.

John W. Smith


AARP Vicksburg