County expects to collect about one-third of fines
Published 12:00 am Friday, May 1, 2009
Records of people owing $856,000 to Warren County will be turned over to the collections firm supervisors hired in January.
County Administrator John Smith said what will be done about an additional $2.2 million on Warren County Justice Court books as unpaid debts remains to be decided.
Also, in a meeting later this month, a starting point for discussions between supervisors and the county’s three elected misdemeanor court judges may be adopting a plan to accept partial payments of traffic violations and other fines.
Other courts allow such plans. Some even accept payment by credit card.
Under a state law, constables, who are elected law enforcement officers, may also be used to collect fines and are paid 25 percent of what they collect. Supervisors have chosen not to use that approach in Warren County. Instead, after being told the county was owed $3 million in uncollected fines, supervisors hired Natchez-based Receivable Solutions Specialists Inc. to work on overdue fines and unpaid garbage collection fees.
Contact Danny Barrett Jr. at