In Vicksburg, plans for stimulus funds amount to a hoax

Published 12:00 am Sunday, August 2, 2009

If all the stimulus money sent out across the United States turns out like Vicksburg’s stimulus money, this will be the biggest hoax ever.

First, there was $888,000 to replace 150 roofs to Vicksburg Housing Authority properties that didn’t need a roof for another five to seven years. The last thing I heard about this was the VHA had a week to find something else to spend the money on or lose it. I’m sure they probably found something.

Then came the $668,098 to go to the NRoute Transit Commission. This money is to buy two 25-passenger buses, one 40-passenger bus, two trolleys and $50,000 worth of shop materials. Another stimulus check is to come at a later date.

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Somebody correct me if I am wrong, but don’t we already have nine buses that we can’t get anybody to ride? I witness these buses on a daily basis and never see over one to four people on any of them.

All this stimulus money is going to do is cost every citizen of Vicksburg more money to subsidize five more means of transportation that no one will ride. The city would come out better to add to the 18 people I saw picking up trash along Iowa Boulevard three weeks ago, plus they had three trucks and a van to carry them to the next location, I assume.

John L. Barrentine


NRoute needs better name

I read the July 23 news article with reference to receiving $668,098 of stimulus money to update our public transportation system. This is a good step in moving our city forward.

I was a bus driver in Chicago and the name of the system was Chicago Transit Authority or CTA. This name identified the transportation system with the name of the city.

Since there is so much controversy about the use of the n-word, I believe it would be wise to choose a name to reflect the name of the city. Also, the buses should have street destination signs on them so prospective passengers would know what route they travel.

Frank Crump Jr.


Tree marring monument

The Bodley Monument was erected to honor Dr. Hugh Bodley who was murdered for defending the city’s morals in 1835. It is on the triangle-shaped median formed by Openwood, Farmer and First East streets.

This monument has sat respectfully for years, honoring a hero who died for his beliefs. Now, a tree planted on the triangle is so large it is destroying and discoloring the monument.

This triangle is part of Vicksburg’s history and the tree should be removed so that the monument in the center can again be seen and honor Dr. Bodley.

Mary F. Leist


Jobs for everyone

As front page news on July 25, The Vicksburg Post announced two new posts for mayor’s office to help his administration and there is a possibility he will consider creating three more.

Wow, talk about big government. Now, Mr. Mayor, do you really think the people of Vicksburg believe these posts are really necessary to make City Hall more efficient? I believe because you have more than one job by working in Port Gibson and as mayor of Vicksburg and in order for you to do your job efficiently you need a lot of additional people to inform you what is going on in Vicksburg. Maybe you need to give up your job in Port Gibson so you will be able to do the job you were voted in to do for Vicksburg.

Another thing I would like to know is what monies are going to be used to pay for these positions? Are our taxes going up? Is there inefficiency already in the Vicksburg government costing us money and he will lay off people and use that money to pay for the positions?  Big government does not always mean a better government. I thought he ran on reducing costs. So far from what I read there is going to be higher taxes, not lower taxes.

Wilbur Ruhl


Weather alerts helpful

Regarding your July 19 editorial on “public money use,” I would like to thank the Vicksburg Board of Mayor and Aldermen for spending tax dollars so citizens can be called about 15 minutes before a severe thunderstorm or tornado could hit. I’ve been called about six times and some calls were when the weather was clear.

These calls are free to all Vicksburg citizens. Just call the Vicksburg Action Line at 601-636-3411 to register. “Glenda” is very helpful. One call could save your life.

Bob Farish


Blame the gun owners

A short time ago I read that it’s now estimated there are 80 million gun owners in the USA. This means there has been an increase of 10 million in the last 10 years.

There are some who feel even that number is very conservative. Truth is, no one really knows. Regardless of how many there are, there is one thing for certain: If they would stand together they would be insurmountable. If only one in 10 would join the NRA or some other national organization that represents gun-owner rights, many of the problems we now face would not be there.

Since the 2008 election, there has been an unprecedented rush to buy guns and ammo of any and all kinds. Reloading components for making ammo have become next-to-impossible to find and the price has more than doubled. That just has to be a good story for a good journalist, of which we have none.

It is not often possible to be able to single out one group to blame for bad things in our government. Right now, though, I feel completely safe and comfortable when I say I hold gun owners responsible for the things that are going on in D.C. since the new administration took over.

If gun owners, as a whole, would go to the polls and vote the way they should, they could control elections — both local and national. No politician with enough sense to put his own clothes on would even think of going against 30 million or 40 million voters all thinking alike as they should. Just maybe our Congress and high offices would not be filled with a bunch of idiots as we now have.

All gun owners I know are just people who want to live and let live. They want nothing more than the truth. As most would agree, the truth is usually easy to deal with for all but crooks who want nothing to do with it.

“Poly” means “many” and ticks are bloodsucking parasites. I do not know if that is where the word “politics” came from, but it is a pretty good description.

R.G. Hollowell


Keep “W,’ improve school

Mississippi University for Women is a known entity. It has a national reputation. Two advantages that neither of the proposed replacement names — Reneau University nor Waverley University — will be able to claim for a very long time.

If changes at MUW need to be made to boost enrollment, attract more men, offer more nontraditional and online opportunities let them be made in a more substantive manner than simply changing the name.

Dr. Claudia Limbert’s choice of a name, expected Aug. 10, won’t instantly change anything for the W. The Legislature will decide if there will be a name change and what that name will be. As president, Dr. Limbert can only make a suggestion.

This debate, which has gone on for more than a year now, will continue from January to May next year.  Meanwhile, the W will languish in the stagnant air of uncertainty created by Dr. Limbert’s clumsy, ill-advised campaign for name change.

I would suggest that the Legislature leave the name as it is, and suggest to Dr. Limbert and the IHL Board of Trustees that changes be made from within to strengthen the W’s mission and make it more relative to the needs and demands of Mississippi.

Betty Ruth Henry Hawkins
