Drain the whole swamp
Published 12:00 am Wednesday, October 21, 2009
After the Pelosi-ites and the Reid-ites took control of Congress, we heard them promise to clean up the political climate of Washington using the phrase, “We are going to drain the swamp.” This was their way of blaming their rivals for the deplorable conditions among elected leaders in Washington.
Ten months of swamp-draining has occurred and many faces of dishonest politicians are appearing. Only one problem … many of these are from the swamp-draining party that vowed to clean up the decaying swamp. The swamp is filled with dishonest leaders who are lining their pockets with illegal money at the expense of the taxpayer. The swamp is filled with many dishonest leaders whose sole intent is to penalize the vast majority of true Americans who believe in the American way of an honest day’s pay for an honest day’s labor.
The swamp is cluttered with highly educated lawmakers who delight in imposing an increased tax burden on American citizens, while many of them claim to forget to pay their own part of the tax load. Yes, the swamp is getting so low that the acorns can be detected at the bottom of the swamp. They are falling from the trees planted by many of our elected officials.
It’s time for American citizens who believe in the American way of life based on our Constitution to go to voting booths across our nation and vote to give all swamp-drainers a one-way ticket out of Washington. They need to be replaced with leaders who will use honesty, integrity and courage in transforming the political climate of Washington.
Then hope will be restored to America. Is this too much for Americans to expect from their leaders?
Ron Burch