Local cheerleader in final round
Published 12:00 am Sunday, December 13, 2009
A Vicksburg student has advanced to the final round of the Athlon Sports Sideline Spirit Contest for college cheerleaders and dancers.
Anna Taylor, 21, an Ole Miss Rebelette, was one of six contestants in the second round of the Southeastern Conference category of the college Bowl Championship Series.
Voting is being conducted online, at www.athlonsports.com/spirit, where voters may register for an account. Voting will end at 7:59 p.m. Dec. 22, and the winner will be announced Dec. 23. The winner will be featured in the 2010 Athlon Sports College Football annual. Her squad will receive $2,000, a JVC HD Everio Camera and a JVC Micro System with an iPod dock.
Taylor is a 2006 graduate of St. Aloysius High School and the daughter of Dr. Glen and Liz Taylor.