Condition of one twin downgraded at UMC
Published 12:00 am Monday, December 28, 2009
The condition of one of the 6-year-old twins injured in a 4-wheeler wreck that also killed a 15-year-old Warren County girl Wednesday was downgraded over the holiday.
A University Medical Center spokesman said Saturday Kaylee “Karlisle” Madison has been downgraded to fair from good condition. Kimberly “Klawsen” Madison remained in fair condition in the Jackson hospital, with no change in her condition since being admitted. They are the daughters of Chris Madison and Selena Madison, both of Vicksburg.
Caitlin R. Lopez, daughter of Johnny and Rose “Bodie” Lopez, died at River Region Medical Center at 4:25 Wednesday afternoon, about an hour after she and the Madison girls were thrown from an all-terrain vehicle they were riding along Campbell Swamp Road in south Warren County.