Post invents a scandal
Published 12:00 am Sunday, February 7, 2010
Re: “Winfield wins wiggle time” in the Jan. 30 edition: Thanks for reminding me to cancel my newspaper subscription.
The Vicksburg Post is nothing more than a local National Inquirer. Along with the majority of the black community, I feel that we are being attacked as a whole by your paper. However, your negative reports concerning OUR mayor do not bother me, in that your reports are not very credible. I remember a few years ago how you reported that a young man was a member of the Sacramento Kings NBA team, yet he never left Vicksburg!
I have subscribed to this newspaper for over 40 years. I take exception to news releases being written as feature stories, plus witch-hunting and negative semantics (Winfield … wins wiggle time, etc. That’s racist.)
Also, what’s the issue with the downtown committee? Is this the motivation for the attacks on the mayor? When the former mayor was running amok and making untrue accusations about an outstanding African-American educator in the community, where were you? Did you print a retraction to those accusations?
I am glad I am going to miss feature stories of all the Vicksburg about African-Americans having financial challenges. Is that a crime?
How many African-American reporters are employed at the Post? When my nephew, an undergrad journalism major and a lawyer from Harvard, did investigative reporting for The Washington Post, he only reported facts.
The African-American citizens in the Vicksburg area deserve better; we don’t have to “pay and pray” that this paper will be fair.
Try writing a feature story about the new senator from Massachusetts being a cousin of President Obama or other National Inquirer stories like one about the fine young ladies who knowingly tried to wreck Tiger Woods’ home.
Patsy Gibbs