Master Gardeners’ website offers helpful information
Published 11:59 pm Friday, May 27, 2011
It is always exciting when others recognize excellence in a project that you started and have babied along for months or years.
The Master Gardeners have completed projects that have won state awards including their March Mondays series and the booth they have operated at the Vicksburg Farmers’ Market since 2008.
This year they garnered another top state award, the Graphic Presentation Award, for their website:
The website evolved from a calendar project begun in 2005 by interns Joelyn James, Denise Duvic, Judy Fitzpatrick and Laurie Andrijeski.
The calendar featured events with pictures, how to do and when to do various gardening activities in a monthly format. They continued the project for three years but costs associated with printing led them to look for an alternative way to get similar information out to the community without so much expense.
A website was the answer.