Phone directories are useless
Published 11:30 am Wednesday, October 26, 2011
I am in the habit of writing nice, constructive letters, but this is not one of those times.
We’ve lived here since 1921 and had a phone with a readable phone book. Without a doubt the 2012 AT&T Real Yellow Pages is the most damnable printing concoction that ever assaulted the public. You cannot read it without a magnifying glass coupled with your reading glasses. And with all the push-buttons you can’t get a live human being to complain about it in today’s invisible communication system.
It is an ungodly mess and whoever is responsible for it is no friend of AT&T’s relationship with its customers.
Any other comments? Write to AT&T correspondence, P.O. Box 500120, Columbia, SC 29202.
L.C. Giles