Churches to host special services to bless pets
Published 12:36 am Saturday, October 3, 2015
- A number of area churches are hosting special events this weekend to mark the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi by offering pet blessings.
The Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi will be celebrated Sunday, and in remembrance of the patron saint that loved all creatures, many churches will hold pet blessings.
St. Alban’s Episcopal Church, in Bovina has scheduled a Blessing of the Animals during their 8:30 and 11 a.m. Eucharist, Sunday.
“This is a favorite service of Saint Alban’s community. We will celebrate the Eucharist and bless the animals in our outdoor chapel without walls, where the sky is the ceiling and the earth is the floor,” the Rev. Billie Abraham said.
Since becoming the priest at St. Alban’s, Abraham said she has blessed everything from horses to a pet rat dressed in a sweater.
However, the most memorable pet blessing Abraham recalled was one she attended in Washington D.C.
“A few months after Hurricane Katrina, I attended a pet blessing that I will never forget. The blessing was held on the steps of the National Cathedral,” Abraham said.
As she waited in line for the priest to bless the photograph of her grand-dog, a wirehaired haired terrier, she said she noticed dogs with special capes inscribed Rescue Dog.
“The dogs had been rescued from the flood waters of Katrina and had been separated them from their owners. The Animal Rescue League and Humane Society posted pictures on their websites of the homeless dogs and the new owners had either driven to New Orleans to pick up the dogs or transported them to D.C. by train or plane,” she said.
How ironic, since Abraham knew the picture of the grand-dog she was there to have blessed had also been saved by her son-in-law from the floodwaters in New Orleans.
“Lucky is no longer living,” Abraham said, but on Sunday, she plans to offer a long distant blessing to the current dogs her children own along with all animals, stuffed toy animals and photographs of animals that will be brought to the church.
“This is a wonderful sweet blessing for your animals. I have been going for years,” church member Wanda Warren said.
Animals are blessed during the service, and a little chain with a St. Francis of Assisi on it is placed around their necks, Warren said.
“Guido and Bella love it, plus they like being around other animals,” church member Linda Gerache said of her two dogs.
All animals in attendance should be on a leash or caged Abraham said, “ and remember to bring water for your animal.”
Treats for the animals will be provided following the services.
“We are also asking everyone to bring dog or cat food, which will be donated to the Humane Society,” Abraham said.