Latest Columnists


Lifeguard shortage is no small thing

On today’s front page, you can read all about how one of Vicksburg’s most important annual programs is ...


Calling all gardeners: The weather is perfect for planting

It has been nearly impossible for me to sit at my desk and write. The weather has been ...


Miss Mississippi’s Teen competition shined over weekend

After nearly 20 years in the newspaper business, I thought I had covered almost everything, but this weekend’s ...


Catfish tourney looks to be big deal for River City

I know nothing about fishing, but I found out this week that it is going to be an ...


Vicksburg Police Department is making efforts toward transparency

Like a lot of jobs that people often see portrayed in movies, there are a lot of misconceptions ...


Solar eclipse takes second stage

What they said about the solar eclipse bringing people together is true. I experienced it. Like so many ...


Brushing up on my basketball knowledge

First of all, I want to say congratulations to the University of Connecticut Huskies for winning back-to-back national ...

Z - Newsletter Opinion

What is going on with information protection?

A couple of weeks ago, I got an email from AT&T informing me my account passcode had been ...


First responders often relive trauma again and again

I’m going to tell you a story about the hardest situation I ever covered, and I’ll warn you ...


Trillium time means spring has sprung in Mississippi

When I see trilliums popping up in my wooded backyard, it’s a sure sign that spring has arrived. ...


Easter is proof a lot can happen in a week

As we near the end of Holy Week, it is always a humbling time for me when I ...


Three times was a charm for God and me

I do not doubt God hears my prayers and responds to my needs. Now, that doesn’t mean everything ...


Classic ‘Sip Fest kept us busy all week

I’m still getting used to all the annual happenings in Vicksburg, and that will obviously continue for the ...


Coca-Cola was onto something with its slogan

On Thursday, I met Kelley Biedenharn Cox. Her great-great uncle Joseph Biedenharn first bottled the soda fountain drink, ...


Mayfield will be missed, but his legacy will carry on

Although I didn’t get a chance to get to know him well, I was deeply saddened when I ...


We may need a miracle this election season

It’s been a while since I talked politics. But on Thursday, after I listened to the President of ...


George Orwell, the book of Revelation, and the March primary

I know you just read the headline and I’m sure a lot of you are thinking, “What? This ...


Birthday bonanza: Celebrating the children’s special days

I should have planned better. My oldest three children’s birthdays are each about two weeks apart, starting on ...


What are we gonig to do with our extra day this leap year?

Well, here we are, coming to the end of the shortest month of the year. But, 2024 is ...


Hey, Vicksburg: My kids think you’re really cool

I know I’ve mentioned them a few times before in my columns, but in case you missed it, ...


How to become the boss of your own mind

When I was a child, I remember times when a peer or my younger brother would try to ...


Chamber banquet was further evidence of what I suspected

With each passing week, I feel like I know the community a bit more as I collect new ...


Excited to witness my first Vicksburg Mardi Gras

Where I come from, we got out of school for Mardi Gras every year. Growing up in Mobile, ...


Vicksburg, Beautiful Table Settings Bash made great partners

Despite an Arctic blast in the River City last weekend, the Beautiful Table Settings Bash event was a ...


History is a huge part of living in Vicksburg

You don’t have to live in Vicksburg to see that our town is steeped in history, specifically military ...


There is nothing Common in Common Courtesy

What is common courtesy? I have heard of it most of my life and didn’t know its true ...


Snow cream and other snow-related musings

It snowed this week in Mississippi, or was that sleet? Anyway, something white actually fell from the sky ...


Snow or not, Vicksburg is a beautiful place

If you’ve ever been anywhere near south Alabama around this time of year, while any hint of winter ...

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