
Letting go, clearing the clutter for the New Year

It’s that time of year when I purge. From closets, to drawers, to storerooms to the attic, I ...


Bulldog, Rebel, or other, Monday’s game was weird

Let’s get this out of the way early, guys. I’m an Alabama fan. And not just a normal ...


Preserving memories is important; experiencing the moments even more precious

A couple of years ago, my cousin’s son set out to help me with a project. Mason is ...


Diet and exercise resolutions: Because my Hershey Bar cake consumption needs a run for its money

Topping the New Year resolutions are diet and exercise, and my guess is it is due in part ...


It’s time for me to go home

This may be my last column. After 44 years as a journalist — the last 12 spent here ...


Looking forward to getting to know Vicksburg, Warren County

When you make a job change in the newspaper industry, it isn’t as simple as just getting to ...


Take time to rest in the ‘thin places’ of life, faith

I’ve been reading Shauna Niequist’s devotional book, “Savor: Living Abundantly Where You Are as You Are” this year. ...


As we go through the holidays, let’s not forget that stocking and its owner

One of the hardest tasks for me is writing a column for Christmas. I guess what makes it ...


It’s a wrap: Savvy shopkeepers and Chinese government played a role in those pretty packages

There was a time when I aspired to be a gift wrapper. It just always looked like a ...


Residents need to keep their properties up to code

An old topic came before the Board of Mayor and Aldermen last Friday — the South Street Apartments. ...


It’s time to practice what Jesus preached

A bit of history for today: Thursday marked the 82nd anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. ...


ON THE SHELF: Get ready for some holiday romance with these festive titles

This column is submitted by Evangeline Cessna, Local History Librarian at the Warren County-Vicksburg Public Library. This week’s ...


Remembering the storm: Triumph over tragedy

For a few weeks now I have been doing some research into the 1953 tornado. With this year ...


Of football bowls and the Heisman

This column is about football, or rather the Heisman Trophy and bowl games. I’ll start with the Heisman. ...


What Gov. Tate Reeves and former Gov. Ronnie Musgrove have in common

Ronnie Musgrove, Mississippi’s last Democratic governor, and incumbent Gov. Tate Reeves, a proud Republican, have something in common ...


Thanksgiving didn’t even start in Massachusetts…

Yes, it is true, the first Thanksgiving-type holiday happened in the area near St. Augustine, Fla. not in ...


A bold move: Christmas decor on rotation

The decorating blitz has begun. Well, truth be told I started a couple of weeks ago, which is ...


Thanksgiving didn’t even start in Massachusetts…

Yes, it is true, the first Thanksgiving-type holiday happened in the area near St. Augustine, Florida, not in ...

Z - Newsletter Opinion

Whether shopping, with friends or watching football, have a good Thanksgiving

It’s a Monday night and I’m sitting at my laptop listening to jazz and trying to come up ...


Unraveling the great Thanksgiving debate: Southern-style dressing vs. stuffing

In the South, there is never any question as to the perfect side dish served with turkey at ...


I’m happy Medicare marketers, leave me alone

It’s that time of year. I don’t mean Thanksgiving or the Christmas season. It’s the Medicare enrollment period: ...


FRAZIER: Echoes of human interaction amidst the robot revolution

When trying to furnish my youngest daughter’s apartment while she was still in school, we drove out to ...


Happy 248th Birthday to the United States Marine Corps

The Marine Corps birthday is a day for all Marines — once a Marine, always a Marine — ...


SURRATT: Let’s truly honor our veterans this Veterans Day

“In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in ...


GUIZERIX: It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your children are?

Although it’s a little out of my age range, I’ve heard time and again references to a late ...


SURRATT: Regardless of who you vote for, get out and vote

This coming week will feature two important dates for Warren County residents. Tuesday, Nov. 7, is Election Day; ...


Reviving wedding announcements: The Vicksburg Post harkens to Martha Day’s legacy

There have been a couple of times when folks around town likened my position at The Vicksburg Post ...


SURRATT: Thanks to others, it’s good to see trick-or-treat returning

One of the first holidays of the fall/winter season is upon us. Halloween has been a traditional celebration ...

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