
GUIZERIX: It’s 10 p.m. Do you know where your children are?

Although it’s a little out of my age range, I’ve heard time and again references to a late ...


SURRATT: Regardless of who you vote for, get out and vote

This coming week will feature two important dates for Warren County residents. Tuesday, Nov. 7, is Election Day; ...


Reviving wedding announcements: The Vicksburg Post harkens to Martha Day’s legacy

There have been a couple of times when folks around town likened my position at The Vicksburg Post ...


SURRATT: Thanks to others, it’s good to see trick-or-treat returning

One of the first holidays of the fall/winter season is upon us. Halloween has been a traditional celebration ...


GUIZERIX: Efforts for an informed population

In the last three weekend editions of The Vicksburg Post, you probably noticed a series of stories detailing ...


FRAZIER: No umbrella, no excuse! Illegal egocentricity of parking in handicapped spots

It’s pouring down rain outside and you’ve forgotten your umbrella. To make matters worse, as you circle through ...


SURRATT: Will Vicksburg’s new trolley be a boom or bust?

A new feature was launched for Vicksburg on Tuesday morning. After a short ceremony with speeches from public ...


GUIZERIX: My view from the hunting woods

In preparing for the upcoming issue of Vicksburg Living magazine, I’ve had the pleasure of swapping stories with ...


FRAZIER: Extending love to Vicksburg’s Jewish community amid terror

Historical fiction is one of my go-to reading genres. I enjoy this type of writing because, for me ...


SURRATT: Are you triskaidekaphobic?

Do you suffer from triskaidekaphobia? For those of us who are not aware of the term, it’s the ...


SURRATT: What may lie ahead for Mercy Hospital?

Vicksburg has a huge white elephant in the city: Mercy Hospital. The deserted seven-story hospital towers over the ...


GUIZERIX: It’s about time, Southern Living

Deep in the dusty corners of my email drafts is a very strongly worded letter to one Sid ...


PREWITT: A Mississippi State football fan, raised by a couple of ‘Closet Rebels’

Friday nights in the South are made for high school football and fall Saturdays revolve around college football. ...


FRAZIER: Finding joy in the empty nest and growing pains

My son has been living in Austin for a few years now, and my hubby and I have ...


SURRATT: It’s time the House majority grew up and passed a funding bill

Shutdown. For the next few days — or weeks, or months — that’s going to be a scary ...


GUIZERIX: It’s beginning to look a lot like busy season for Vicksburg

I blinked, and September is almost over (insert Green Day joke here). With the end of the first ...


FRAZIER: Don’t miss your chance to support Vicksburg Living Magazine

The latest issue of the Vicksburg Living Magazine is out, and if you haven’t seen it, the cover ...


SURRATT: Fall is here, before El Niño exacts its revenge

This weekend marks the return of fall. Ah, fall, when the weather gets cooler, the breezes have a ...


GUIZERIX: The realities of parenting and potty-training a princess

As the parent of a 3-year-old, I’ve had to say some things I never thought I’d have to ...


FRAZIER: A loaf of bread could make a difference

My favorite Broadway musical is “Les Misérables.” The show, which is based on Victor Hugo’s 1862 novel of ...


SURRATT: City and county have lost a friend in Doug Arp

Vicksburg, Warren County and law enforcement lost a great friend in Doug Arp. Doug died Monday, creating a ...


GUIZERIX: Chester O. Martin’s death leaves a hole in Vicksburg’s art community

In the main hallway of my house hangs a painting of two fish, painted in exquisite detail with ...


FRAZIER: Journeying from stigma to support in mental health care

It’s been almost three decades since I first walked through the door of a counselor’s office. I remember ...


SURRATT: May Jimmy Buffett’s music continue to soothe our lives

If I remember correctly, the Raising Cane’s restaurant in Hattiesburg pays homage to a favorite son of Mississippi ...


GUIZERIX: Farewell to Hank Burdine, a formidable friend

I was saddened to learn of the death of Mississippi Levee Board member Hank Burdine last week. The ...


FRAZIER: Time flies when you are having a good time and when you get older

I blinked my eyes, and it was fall. This may sound like a catchy first sentence in a ...


SURRATT: Working from home is fine, but I’ll take the office

It was a trend that took hold during the COVID-19 pandemic and has become a hot-button issue in ...


GUIZERIX: Feeling the burn, and some empathy, during the heatwave

During what can only be described as the oppressive heat of the last month, my house has gotten ...

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